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St@Re what St@rE?

I must acknowledge that this picture is taken from somewhere. My apologies if it belongs to u.
He is quite cute rite? chubby. Stare what stare?
bkz stepped on your garbage at
9:03 PM
oh my gosh so freaking screwed...
wth wth wth wth???!!!! i just learned from yi rui...
mm ok lemme give u guys intro on yi rui (i've never told you'll about him). yi rui's was one of the shortie team members... but he pwns all of us cos he's damn good in sports (in softball)!! he's our fastest 2.4 in class and got 29 or 30 for NAPFA something like that lar dono. he's the captain of our class soccer team and a happy-go-lucky guy who's always smiling. plus he's also really nice... sobz at least he didn't put the picture on his msn...
...that wild rumours are flying about. my ss documentary required a boy-girl relationship, and so we had to film one... zz and now they took screenshots of the doc (scandalous pictures) and put in on msn!!! AHHHH i'm so dead... HELP the thing is just spreading and spreading like some forest fire in indonesia. zz i use water and splash and put it out and then got haze and smoke and fly to other countries (must purge the last remnants of geog out of my head ugh geog's disgusting).
my gosh and i wanted to ask bernice lor... luckily she replied late and we found someone else...
ooh my sis just popped in... better go sleep good night sweet dreams everyone. (hmm you guys are all asleep liao!!!!)
MeL stepped on your garbage at
12:45 AM
*yawn* zorro rox...
waa its 12.08... just came back from watching zorro with my sis and bro. had some steak and fish dinner which was rather ok... but then i'm having a stomachache now.
oh yea and zorro was really nice... action + comedy. u guys should go watch it... and catherine zeta jones is super duper hot (altho i still prefer emma watson...she's younger anyway). so yup overall one of the better shows i've watched.
wee i'm turning 16 soon getting old... can't believe i'm 16. i mean the size and the actions... lolz when i went for my IMCB attachment, the other students from other schools there were all surprised there we were 16. especially since majority of the people from RI who went were from the ex-shortie team (disbanded liao...)
anyway shall put down my list of things i'll do in this hols... or at least what i hope to do (inspired by cal).
hong kong, swim, prac flute, write (lots of stuff... err poems, stories aiyar dono been so long since i've wanted to do creative writing but never found the time to do so), exercise (ee must become fitter... don't wanna stay stuck in this frail and weak body), food day (lolz are we still carrying this out???), cruise (this one too?). still got a lot a lot of plans... probably gonna learn guitar... feel like picking up new skills too like photoshop and animation but dono if i'll have the time or commitment.
and there's still a hell lot of nice movies which i forgot about... narnia, chicken little, excorcism of *some person forgot who*... so yea we have a very interesting holiday in store for us. sobz cannot waste it away on dota... must treasure it.
hmm one of these days... perhaps when we're older we can go backpacking... like a group of sec 4s did. went to australia without any plans and just lived day by day... so fun and cool right??!! when i'm back from hong kong lets do lots of stuff!!! stayovers, movie marathon... still thinking of more stuff. DON'T WASTE THE HOLS!!
MeL stepped on your garbage at
12:08 AM
"sleep early"... ...
zz my tuition teacher woke me up at 9 today... sigh having intensive chi
anyway i had a nightmare last night... not really a nightmare but just a dream really connected to real life... long story tho so lemme start at the beginning.
except benny, u guys know that my room is besides my sister's. and i seldom close my room door... which means that if i close she automatically knows something is up. so far i've been managing to evade her while playing my games cos the moment she open her door i just alt-tab and switch windows.
but then... now the disgusting weather so hot in the afternoon then rain like mad in the night... so its cooling and she doesn't on the air con!!!! and so she doesn't close the door... and so many times she caught me playing liao ugh. ok nvm skip the first game and wait until the next game at around 11+ where she usually starts to sleep liao.
then i'll use some methods to trick her that i was goin to sleep... switch off all the lights and stuff like that. and so... the day before yesterday, i switched off all my lights after she switched hers off... and played in complete darkness. and since i was in complete darkness... i didn't see her creeping into my room and got a huge shock when she suddenly shouted 'CAUGHT YOU'. zz i almost fainted and died bet if i was a little more engrossed in the game i would have gotten heart attack liao... so ok my last trick no more liao...
and then.. last night... i dreamed about her and my bro telling me to sleep early -.-
the extent of her terrorization on my mind... sheesh she's even appearing in my dreams lor wth. aiyar anyway just a few more days before i can play in peace...
yay going to watch zorro with my siblings later... a lot of nice shows coming out. Cello, m.a.i.d, harry potter... ee so many must watch every single one of em.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
10:50 AM
Haiz just got pwned at dota again... my macroing was just not there.. haiz...Ment to play to destress, end up being more stressed. Did not cover anything today, hcl that is. Realised that I haven't been concentrating while i was studying. Forgot what i studied, and even copied the ci yu wrongly while i was mugging. Futile..
Today was such a slack day at school. First period -- english. Watched movie and played cards at the same time. The movie was about some father and son relationship. On the whole, I found the movie quite ok, though i barely managed to watch 3/4 of it. Played tai ti and bridge, and won quite a few games. Fun...
Second period -- physics. !k.w. allowed us to watch movie. Amongst the choices of movies which he offered, were movies on magnetism, superstrings. I was like -.- Ok nevermind, at least he had something else, something more decent -- Master Commander of the sea (ok can't really remember the title, but something to that effect) But he didn't allow us to watch and play cards, even though that did not deter us from continuing to play. :D
Learnt how to play Hearts. Started off quite well, was leading with the fewest points collected. But things went awry, lost the games that followed. I tried to shoot the mooooooon, but was not successful, and it backfired. Lost with 50 points collected. Bleahx...
Recess time. So engrossed with the playing of cards that i forgo my recess. CH did help me to get a handroll though which i happily ate while playing. The game this time however, wasn't very fun, so i left the group to join another and watch them played. Suddenly, yes very suddenly, T ll came into the class. Wanted to give out bio papers, but.. she saw the cards, and confiscated two decks. But phew! The group I was with was seated strategically, so they managed to avoid her and saved their deck of cards. Relieved...
Chinese period next. This relief teacher was much better than the last 2, or so I felt. At least he taught something. He's also quite nice. We yi bian listen to him, yi bian play cards. Ok even though we made some effort to conceal the fact that we were playing, it was still quite blatant. But he didn't confiscate the cards, see told you he was nice! As he continued into the lesson, we came to this zao ju, li pu. He asked us to zao, and so we did: Tong xue men zai shang ke shi wan ka, shi zai tai li pu le! Yes score! we zao correctly! Funny...
Then came CLE. !k.w. again. Had to clean all the desk. Quite messy but I felt our class was quite efficient. Even though there were a handful of ppl who happily sat out of the cleaning, we managed to get things done quite smoothly. So no qualms about it. Satisfied...
Yea then went lunch with cal and benh. Talked and gossipped for an hr and a half. After which i made my way home. The end.
bkz stepped on your garbage at
12:37 AM
last night was one hell of a thunderstorm... and so my house kept powertripping... so shitty can't even use msn. even the table lamps weren't working ugh... and of course brilliant was damn scared and kept scraping the door to come in. lolz he's quite a sad case...
super zonked out by chi today... managed to stay awake most of the time but then was staring into blank space most of the times too. released late of recess, late after school... she just keeps hogging the whole period ugh.
CLE today was great... mrs yap (form teacher) asked us to do some reflections thingie about the class and CLE in general. -wa lao... it's gonna rain again... why couldn't it rain just now in school while i was coming back sux man- didn't have much time to reflect on the class but about CLE, i asked for less combined CLEs. CLE is about character education right... and in combined CLEs, there's just too much barrier between the speaker and audience such that no matter how logical or how good the speaker is... the lesson just doesn't stay with us (not to mention that majority of the time we're hardly listening). to teach us about morals and stuff, it has to be on a much more personal level don't u think?? i mean we learn much more about defining our character and ourselves through our friends than through leadership courses and stuff... cos we can talk and share problems... and see our idols in them and work to be like them... right??
anyway i got back our ss documentary... lolz and we saw it together as a class (seeing it for the first time myself). sobz so embarrassed... ahh help rumors flying everywhere now.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
4:35 PM
ok wee first post
yosh yosh!!! finally... the blog is set up after days of thinking about what to call it... yay ok err... must see how to use this thingie
MeL stepped on your garbage at
6:39 AM
wheeee wasssup, yo! Alright i just spent 4 hours watching full metal alchemist. Finally finished it! Well i'm having mixed feelings about it, and since my brain is so dead after sitting before the comp for so long, uhh comment about it some other time. Howww I haven't started mugging for chinese. Dead, totally. 6 books to cover! (my ex-chinese tutor stole my sec 1 shou ces so i cant do a shit about it) hmmmm but im so sleepy. See how it goes.
tomorrroww... tomorrroww... is a different day =D
ben stepped on your garbage at
11:18 PM
how to work this thing
OK! i finally managed to work this thing! yes now can log in to this blog. Finally. Quite hopeless i must admit. But what the heck! i'm second to post! i think...
bkz stepped on your garbage at
8:54 PM
fiddling with the blog...
ee ok dono wat's happening at all... how to add pictures... ok anyway lets start the blogging. slept at 3 am last night... cos of a disgusting dota game which was supposed to end at 2... we started at 1 but it just dragged and dragged until 2.50. sobz so torturous cos i was using rhasta and ee kept dying and dying... then obviously i just died in school. whole body was just aching terribly.
aiyo anyway i've been dotaing everyday... so sick of chi don't feel like studying at all... not really doing any systematic studying just errr... flipping to the shou ces at random.
hmm leaving for hong kong immediately after o levels... spending a week there with my mom, dad and sis... still have 3 more tickets there after this trip so i'll probably go there again... and maybe again. so i'm missing the last week of school, which includes grad ceremony, joint class party and farewell... i think farewell's for gep only dono not sure. heck about the ceremony but missing the other two is quite crappy... sigh
MeL stepped on your garbage at
8:50 PM
Melvyn | Calvin | Benny | Ben Goh
rimb'05, rjcsb'07
flutes & saxes