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interreact...or however its spelt
inter-react!!! lolz it would have been great i think... except that 3 ppl from RI turned up, no one from RGS, and no one from other schoosl!!! and that 3 = me, jeff and yh. aiyar but i still would have gone cos must support the planners!!
anyway, cos of the pathetic turnout, we had meagre sectionals, then went to band room where everything was quite chaotic. got some ppl playing slapjack (no idea wats that must ask glen), some playing speed, some playing carrom. then we kinda lazed away our time until 12.30, then RJ decided to go to east coast. hmm the atmosphere in RJ is really quite fun... everyone seems to get along with each other and no *idiots* to spoil everything... of course that's first impression... but i think i'm gonna enjoy life there dono about the rest of u... seems really fun.
then we just kinda went out for lan, dota and cs. jermyn, lester, chang yuan, jiayi and daryl (some new guy from anderson in percussion one JC de) abandoned their batch and went along with the 3 of us to lan.
think RJ having some kinda 2 day 1 night camp... leisure camp man... in the night they gonna watch glen's movies which are mean girls, white chick, hitch and another one can't remember. lolz so fun...
MeL stepped on your garbage at
8:35 PM
hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllo... where's everyone?
lolz rather bored... flute lesson got cancelled today. but then later got badminton... nobody to talk to de...
aiyar shall tell you'll my plan for next week. tues i have flute lesson at 3. then thursday i'm gonna watch SE concert with the mushroomers... lolz we tried to persuade jiazheng but failed cos he's gonna extract his wisdom tooth. heard about wisdom tooth extraction? lolz heard its super pain... but then dono how come so early must extract de. i never even heard anything about my wisdom tooth... but then not as if i go dentist very often. hate the dentist.
saturday, its ms johnson's wedding... at the church nearby so i'll be going... then after that its some major feast cos got church celebration of some event. thats pretty much it for the week... altho i'm thinking of booking courts on tues to play on friday? but then dono u guys whether can.
yay so happy we just won a dota game... murdered and tortured the other team... but they're not leavers so nice ppl. shall go practice my guitar... i can play something discernable ok!!! haha
MeL stepped on your garbage at
12:48 PM
aching shoulders... sobz
hellllp my shoulder blades are aching... must be after doing that disgusting machine which uh i can only do like the first level of it or something (the one that u gotta press your hands together to lift the weight... zz nvm so hard to describe it).
feeling lonely... drained, empty... dono how to put it.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
10:03 AM
a typical day in the hols
mm hadn't had many typical days... by typical i mean a full day spent at home. been going out quite often recently. so yup let me describe to u how i spent this day. i woke up at around 9.30... try to wake up around this time usually but then sometimes i just oversleep and ugh half the day vanish le.
then i read my book while waiting for breakfast, and when breakfast arrived i watched LOTR 1 while eating breakfast. didn't realize it was so long altho it was kinda draggy and so got a shock when it was like 2.30 already after watching. so immediately after that eat lunch while watching tv. plus i just realized i had disney channel!! so amazing i tot we cancelled it or something but yay another cartoon channel to add to my nothing-to-do-then-watch-tv list.
ok after that, aunty anula came up and uh kinda persuaded me to finish clearing my room altho i wanted to delay a bit and prac my flute first. lolz but yay so now i'm happy finished clearing my room my floor is finally uh... walkable again. before this just piles of papers lying all over the room... so disgustingly messy. oh yea i must add in... usually i'd be dotaing by now on public but then today i told myself no dota... on public at least. shall save dota time for internals. yup and i can maintain so rigid control cos i planend today yesterday!!! so amazing right?? lolz this is quite sad i'm planning my holidays... aiyar but then if i don't i'll probably just dota the time away.
so i still have to prac my flute, plan for our zoo outing (which is quite impossible cos none of u are online now), and help my mum with some stuff. oh yea plus i uh convinced myself to go on torture rack (a.k.a treadmill) again with my sis in the evening. see i made an aim before the hols started, to get fit during the hols so i'd get at least a silver next NAPFA without any trouble. mm complicated...

oh shall show u guys the thing that my classmate gave me... some 3-fanged necklace that looks super cool but seems to act-cool to wear. lolz so i shall uh just hang it somewhere. he gave each one of us a gift... cos he was going away to canada so yup won't be seeing him in JC. so nice right?? but aiyo... we're supposed to be the ones giving him farewell gift and he's like giving each of us something so pai seh. he even typed for us a personal msg each!! so pro lor...
mm ok shall publish and go practice my flute... later get scolded by my flute teacher
MeL stepped on your garbage at
3:26 PM
calvin! 你是杀人凶手!
Hello! Sob I just dreamt that calvin murdered me :< Lol not exactly murder lar, but then apparantly i killed many people from this particular gang (dressed in black suits naturally) and pissed the gang leader off. I was subsequently caught and trapped in this cage (picture lindsay lohan's rumours mtv bird cage). So the gang leader offered me two ways to die. He grabbed one of his obedient moronic followers and stabbed a nail into his skull (in my dream, i went :O). Then he injected some foamy milky blue liquid into another dumb follower's head. Of course i dun like either way of dying lar but den what to do???? Choose of course choose the injection. So i chose that den somehow another gangster group with a fat woman as the leader stomped in and total chaos broke out. I ran away hurriedly with my heart pumping forever. Haiiii but then obviously if i ran away successfully no dream le right? This black limousine appeared den calvin 狼狈地 walk out and tell me they force him to kill me. Then i felt so sad oso (went 'huh huh huh huh 不要啦!)But den dowan to make things difficult for him so i just sat down and calvin injected that shit into me. I ask inject finish will die or not. He said 50 50 chance lar. Then sob injection that time can feel the liquid enter my skull den i just froze there. No more pain, no more movement. For quite some time. Like that means die right? Sob..
Aiya but den quite fun lar. Cos before calvin inject that thing into me right, we kept talking nonsense and whining forever. So fun. Then the injection oso not painful. Imagine if i chose the nail. Scream until i wake up. Why can't they choose a nicer way to let me die, like jumping off the building or something. zzz.
Ok.. ByebyebeyebyebybeybebYBebybeybeBYbeYBeybBEYBEyBEYbYEBEYBEB BYE!
ben stepped on your garbage at
11:50 AM
after staying over at shaun's hotel room yesterday night, had to wake up early (mm earlier than the rest at least) and leave first cos was going out with e mushroomers. ugh then it was raining so had to walk in the rain all the way to mrt... and having had so little sleep i felt rather tortured.
after getting home lolz managed to convince everyone to uh come over to home instead of me going out since i was so freaking tired anyway. 3 of them came over so we played mahjong for a while (anyhow play de without money...). after that we got boredf so we went out to watch zathura which is so freaking stoopid... aiyar but still a good experience lar. still stoopid tho.
after that we met up with another two mushroomers (weren't free in the afternoon) and we went for dinner at muthu's curry. everything there's like super spicy and uh tastebuds going numb le... lolz but still so super nice. then after that they came over to watch bourne identity and uh lolz celebrate my bday.
aiyar anyway just details only... impt thing was that it's been so long since we've been out... and hmm still surprised that we managed to clique rather well. maybe just cos a few of us are talkative... some still willing to open. esp one of the guys... jiazheng (yucks he's so tall now he was like uh same height as me lor... anyway my sis says he's the most handsome friend i have lolz). haven't seen him in like wad months... but still managed to get along. mm guess still got some barriers, esp when all we talked about was rather mundane stuff... not things like our probs and intimate details of our lives and... but i guess it's also difficult cos we're not even close yet (friends yea, but close not really... strange eh?) well i guess at least we're still together as a group after so many years (7 years le), despite the distances (all different school one).
MeL stepped on your garbage at
11:13 AM
tick tock
lol goodmorning. Ya i watched silence of the lamps too.. so nice. And i want to watch harry potter too :<><. Z so pissed off. Nvm.. Hm so fast tomorrow gonna be grad dinner le. Wonder what the teachers will wear. Aiya brain havent wake up yet how to type anything bbye
ben stepped on your garbage at
11:58 AM
hannibal lector
ooh i just watched silence of the lambs with my bro... waa super nice. gory and gross and sadistic but the psychology is damn cool. but even if it wasn't bet all u sadistic ppl will still love it anyway wahahaha... but yea it was super duper nice!! even my bro who doesn't really enjoy horror really loved the movie. probably will follow up with red dragon and the rest of the hannibal series...
MeL stepped on your garbage at
11:26 AM
early bird gets the most worm... yuck as if i wanna eat worm
wee wake up so early today!!! oh my gosh... just realized that we're gonna miss zathura and just like heaven... hmm maybe not zathura cos its just sneaks but just like heaven is passing... ee!!
aiyar 其实 i got nothing much to blog about... maybe going to sim lim later today... oh yea must clear up my room cos my mum's fren coming to pick up my stuff. yay grad dinner is coming soon... so exciting. mm after reading ben goh's post on gambling i feel like playing mahjong... ask my sis to organize.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
8:49 AM
Stay over forever
Hi... My voice completed died, from all the insane shouting and screaming that went on last night. So screwy can't even say anything that sounds remotely human. And yes, my arm died too, from the badminton yesterday. Then more and more pimples are sprouting so horrible cant stand it. One night never sleep den become worse and worse. So freaking pissed off. How can this kinda thing happen to me. So yes, i died entirely. WTH. ARGH.
Well but anyway, whee i had so much fun last night. Ya, Yuzhuo, Weiyang, Shaun, Tonghin, Bp all stayed over at my house again. Can't exactly remember what we did lar, we just played cards forever. I made a grand total loss of 30 cents -.- while bp pocketted all our money with his disgustingly small yet bloodyirritating potent bets. Everyone money gone just like that so pukish. Then for bridge, lala~ i won everything at first okkkk but later lost everything sigh. 真是先甜后苦。。 the wretched laws of equivalent trade. 死死死死死 die forever. And i will never forget how weiyang murdered me by calling 3diamonds trump AND CALLING HIS PARTNER WHO HAPPENED (YEA RIGHT MORE LIKE FATED) TO BE ME. Kanasai so freaking pissed off lost the game just like that. But ah, nevermind. So that was when i began to lose everything. Hm this makes perfect sense.
So we played bridge forever. Oh yes, weiyang bought a new guitar, which was sob, relentlessly ravaged and abused by everyone except kind ole me, who merely strummed my infamous proudly self-composed tune of horror, to the delight of my faithful listeners. Yuzhuo fiddled with the comp forever, playing some math dunno what shit game/quiz whatever. Shaun died towards the end and slept leaning against my cupboard. He subsequently vanished and reappeared under the bed. Dun ask me why cos in sooth i do not know. So play play play forever till 7am this morning whee. This must be the only sleepover in which we didnt sleep. Such a great accomplishment.
Kk cyaa
oh yes, my voice died cos midway dunno i got toooo agitated while playing bluff that i shouted NOOOOOoOOOoOoooOOOooOOoOOooOo for so freaking long that my voice box just shattered and hence, resulting in me become the silent person that i am today :< Everyone says it sounds like emily rose so ah, so happy. She's my idol okay! 'I CHOOSE TO STAYYYY' yea right im going off to play whatever i want to play. bye!!!!!
ben stepped on your garbage at
4:19 PM
so shocked!!
my gosh i woke up at 11.40 today... so shocked with myself the latest i ever woke up. yucks horrible wasted 11 hours sleeping... thats like nearly half a day. *gasp* wasting half of my life and my precious hols sleeping so lazy.
sigh so now i can't have my regular breakfast of uh hokkien mee or something plus sugar cane and must starve another hour for lunch. ok two weeks of the holiday pass le still got 5 more weeks only. and what have i done? lemme see...
i'm abbout to read finish 1 book!! uhh i think i'm gonna clear my room today. i've found info about aikido... i've started practicing my flute and guitar (like what once or twice since the hols started so pathetic). oh yea i've been to hk too!! aiya so pathetic deng yu nothing done at all... supposed to write and uh diary and end off the year.
are we still going overseas or cruise or wat?? horrible i got stomachache... end off le.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
11:57 AM
Yesterday i went ice skating with a couple of friends. Singapore only has 2 ice skating rings, one in kallang and the other in jurong east. The one in JE is bigger.
Took the train to the ice skating ring in Jurong East. Guess what? I was late. Yes as usual. But they were late too. So nvm -.- Made our way to the place. There were 8 of us initially. 4 were fof, so i didn't know them. It cost 36.40 for admission of a group of 4, + additional 2.10 for rental of skates. Means each person has to pay 11.30.. so expensive. But the advantage is that it is unlimited time, means u can skate forever and ever and ever :D
Finally got into the skates (with some difficulty) and made my way to the ice. I skated, with much ease (thankfully). Began speeding up, weaving through the numerous skaters there. Felt great. Watched the chio bus in the center of the ring spin on ice and perform some pro pro stunts. Mesmerising. There was this paricular gal.. so pretty... haha. There was also music in the background. Occasionally they will play some music with really catchy beats, spur me on to skate faster. They (the Fuji Ice Palace) were also celebrating somebody's birthday, so sometimes, snow will shoot out onto the center of the ring. Quite cool, just skate to the center and let the snow bathe u. Just like what all the other little kids do..haha. Ocassionally I will pick up ice and stuff it down my friend's back, or throw at him. Got a chunk of ice placed in my glove in return. haha my hand went numb.
However, after a while i got bored lol.
There was this guy who was wearing those ice hockey type of blades (not rented like the rest of us). And boyy.. he was pro. He skate fast.. very very very fast... much faster than me duh... and he can weave around ppl more pro-ly than i can, he can do all the nice moves including the backwards crosses (ok all the pro chio bus also can, and even the pro 4-5 year olds also can... but i cannot). He skates faster than he walks or run ( i think). Damn cool.
After skating, my legs were sore.. hen3 suan1. Went to LJS to eat with em. Then left for home. Did not go straight home though, went to join my mum at her office. Had something to bite again. Went home with my family. Was so tired that i didn't go online. Went straight to bed.
Oh and yes, i realised now that 11 30am timeslot for x-men evo. is gone. Replaced by jackie chan...sigh.
bkz stepped on your garbage at
11:06 PM
sweet 16!!!
*i am 16, going on seventeen* weee i'm 16!!!! long awaited mark in life. can't believe i'm 16 le... still watching cartoons and playing comp games. lolz my sis always tells me i'm 16 and still watching cartoon network... but somehow i never wanna lose the childish spark, the imagination and the love for games and cartoons.
anyway i went to the gym... first exercise i had in like wad 2 months or something. tortured myself on my bday so ke lian. so dead tired my gosh immediately after that muscles ache le so pathetic was silent all the way home.
then aunty anula cooked a mega super duper nice lunch. deep fried prawns, beef, chye sim and lotus soup plus a cup of orange juice. eat until so full now... but aiyo just now lift the spoon alsso like damn tired but anyway lunch was uber good. felt like just eating and eating but too bad bu shi bottomless pit de.
must continue to exercise and use the hols to change myself and learn new stuff and sigh... lost all the enthusiasm for hols i had just before the exams. so dead tired.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
2:27 PM
so many memories...
i filed in my apr and pdr today in the morning... and looked through my grades from sec 1 to 4. then i looked through all my certs, watched my farewell video and logged in a dream i had last night in my dream diary. tell u guys wat my dream was about first ba...
yuck a horrible nightmare... dreamt that i was taking chi o levels and left out the whole compre and summary section due to lack of time. sobz i still remember that i was thinking in the dream that there was a high possibility that iw ould fail o levels and have to retake chi in jc... horrible.
anyway so there's so many memories... things that have happened. photos, diaries, grades, documents... all a way to capture the memories and lock them. a window for us to look back into the past. all the great times... the sad times... interesting things we want to remember. if we can't remember a thing, wat of the past 16 years do we have with us now... some experience? some maturity? some skills?
wat about the thoughts, the emotions and other small details which we relished at the time but we have all forgotten now? seems such a pity... photos can only capture a frame in time... even words can't really describe everything... you can't input thoughts and emotions into videos. always wished for a thought recorder... something to just record everything you think of... cos sometimes words fail. but of course all these are all there are to relate to the past... i used to diary everyday but got so sick of it cos of the gross commitment. but when i read the everyday-for-2-months diary i've had i feel thankful i've gone through with the whole thing. learn so much from rereading... see how much i've changed and all that, and remember events again.
aiyar ranting on and on...
MeL stepped on your garbage at
12:40 PM
no more 3 am le...
ee i watched exorcism of emily rose today... so super scary zz so freaked out when they blood just suddenly gushed out of the guy's eyes yuck. sobz horrible...
3 of us used to form a 3 am dota gang... just dota until 2+ usually did it on fridays only. tried it once during school day but we just totally died the next day... sobz after watching the show, i'm never gonna be anywhere else but my bed during 3 am anymore.
mm one week of the hols is gonna be over soon... and haven't exercised one bit so pathetic and lazy. nvm next week shall play bmt ok? and go swim or something aiyar talk so much then later time come don't even wanna do anything. my room still remains cluttered with o level chi stuff even tho i told msyelf to clean it immediately after getting back from hk. aiyo. wee harry potter's comign out next week!!!
MeL stepped on your garbage at
8:03 PM
lalalalalala zhen shen alla! *shiny eyeballs*
Yoyoyoyo y'all! Lol in a great mood now.. was feeling so bored for the past few days ya, with there being no more school. BUT yes, today, weiyang, tonghin, yuzhuo, shaun and i went out doing nonsense wheeeeeeeeeee! First we met at little india mrt station at 1pm. I was late, as usual, cos i was watching harry potter 3rd movie (sis borrowed it). Yz, tong and wy were there on time. So we went off to... hmmmm simlim square to buy stuff, bought my 200gb hdd, yz had some.. dunno what protection thing made on his phone. We then happily took taxi to orchard wisma to retrieve tong's spoilt phone. After that, we went to cineleisure to ahem, wanted to lan but well, forgot that the lan shop shifted. So we ate at bk, chatted forever, and then went to far east to lan. Yz was murdering us with his excellent skills at CS. Didnt get to dota :< cos there werent any strangers there to torture. By then, shaun was done with his vet job ( yes hes working there so pro righttt ). So we went to dhoby ghaut, checked the movies, no movie, so went to eat at some quite ex place forgot the name. I ate flaming prawnsssss so delicious sheesh but 20 + bucks gone just liddat. Ok so now, we're at my house! wheeee play play play such a fantastic day. Cya'll!
ben stepped on your garbage at
10:39 PM
brain sap
OIIII MY POST IS GONE... zz sobz horrible thing. yucks. i typed full length page long of my precious thots and then i clikced 'publish post' and the title appeared and the rest of the post just vanished... as ben goh puts it *poof*. disgusting.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
12:16 PM

nice? i created this using 3D studio max. my new avatar.. listening to the walkman...
bkz stepped on your garbage at
11:02 PM
i'm back!!!
hey everyone!! i'm finally home... got lucky and managed to catch the first flight today. anyway my ticket is not firm de... the disadvantage of the flights i have so sometimes its quite uncertain... usually manage to get on flight but guess sunday was just unlucky.
how how how... start the fun... lolz i watched initial d halfway in the plane so gonna finish it later immediately after the post. then gonna dota immediately after that... busy busy. once my withdrawal hunger for dota has been satisfied, probably go check out gv for movie timings and all that... and plan chester's bday...
wee so many things to do...
MeL stepped on your garbage at
12:50 PM
yay blog again...
yosh everyone... back home after a tiring round of badminton with my dad and his friends, and another fabulous dinner.
farewell... everyone's talking about it... and everyone's feeling down i guess. for me, i don't feel really touched or anything. perhaps like ben goh, i feel sad that the clas spirit is breaking up... for our class, we really had a very short time of realization of how strong we've bonded together and yea that's really kinda pity that we had such a short time to enjoy class. but then again... that's pretty much. perhaps if i had been to farewell, i'd feel differently, and maybe people reading this might feel that i'm cold doing this... and i wasn't there to witness what happened and so well not really in position to say anything about it. i know i've felt this way about people making stoopid comments sometimes... but this is the way i feel so...
i think yep we've shared memories in 4 years, and well yea we've made good friends. but friends will continue to keep in touch right? i mean for all the people we think we'll miss... well don't be sad that we're separating. take the effort to keep in touch with each other and maintain the friendship!! i mean of course it will be a bit more difficult, since we're all going to different classes... but if we can't even bother to cross the barriers, we're just gonna drift apart... then maybe should question ourselves what kind of relationship we even had if it can't survive the downs in life. if we treasure the people around us, we should work to keep as friends. it's a controversial line of thought... maybe some of u agree some don't but it's just what i have to say...
sometimes i wonder that if we didn't know so much about each other will we still be friends? when we separate and change... will not knowing these details in each other's lives put a barrier? when we go out with each other... maybe we won't have any common things to talk about anymore i don't know. i have a friend elson, who lasted from all the way from p1 till now... our friendship has lasted through separation since p4 (when i became gep) until now... and we still go out together and treasure each other. our lives are really totally different... but i guess we still find the time to get together and talk and have fun and keep the relationship going. but of course there's a gap... we can't talk about every single thing... i can't bitch about teachers to him... and he can't talk about his friends with me cos we don't know who all these people are. i mean like... i play dota and he likes jamming... totally different hobbies and lifestyles.
but now we have a blog... esp the 4 of us cos this is a joint blog. many people will be rather surprised to know that i have a blog cos i once thot that blogs were really stoopid... i mean like if u wanna keep a diary then keep a diary and don't put it online cos u can't even say everything u want. for sharing your life with other ppl... well i've always thot that the details of my life are for me to tell people whom i wanna open up to and not for everyone to gain access to my life. thats why its a joint blog i guess... so we can still continue to share details of our lives even tho we might be separated. so that we will know what each other is still up to and know what each of us is thinking. that perhaps is the value of a blog... to keep each of us updated on our own lives so that we still know... and care. *ok i'm like getting really confused...wondered so far from the original topic liao. super hot here this place no fan one... now supposed to be winter but dono today's just stuffy ugh*
mm my dad just talked to me so ugh kinda lost my train of thought... not in the mood anymore.
one thing i guess i really regret about graduation is that i missed getting to know some of the nicer people. getting from strangers to friends needs quite a bit of opportunity and pity that the opportunity has been wrenched away.
to conclude (ugh feels like some disgusting geog essay...), i'm rather mood swing so sometimes say one thing then sometimes say different thing next time... and maybe i didn't even get my msg across i dono. i'm just floundering around and talking nonsense about my half-thought-thru theories and ugh dono what i'm doing. AHHHHHHH spouting nonsense i go sleep liao good night sweet dreams.
*keep thinking of all the repercussions this post might cause but aiyar shall heck and just press the publish button...
MeL stepped on your garbage at
10:21 PM
Moving on
Sigh.. Hello everyone.. Definitely owe everyone (especially u mel) for not blogging very often. Well first of all, i've been ill for a couple of days, suffering from this wretched fever that made me miss out on our last class spring cleaning, which happens to be the first considering how i skipped last year's. And ya secondly, my bro was home from army and i was denied of the comp once again for four full days. So many things have happened this year. Ugh.. all the memories. This phase of separation brings them back, doesn't it. All of us experienced it during our transition from primary to secondary school. And for some of us... bp...and I.. found it really hard to accept. How many promises did we make to people, stuff 'bout 'friends forever' and 'keep in contact'. It all seems so superficial right now, in this thought-provoking night. As bp puts it, a cycle it is. One that is necessary for old things having to make way for new ones. There just cant be enough space for our hearts to accomodate that many close friends. They just fade away like scattered sand, with the strength of passing wind.
Who i will miss most, are my classmates. Yea.. They're really a bunch of cool people. Yuk Lun, the ahem ever-responsible monitor who's so fun to bully and nice enough to be bullied by shameless people like me. Classmate for four years. Never was close to him. But it's just sad for the class split like this, even though we will still be in the same batch in rjc. I guess, it's just this strange sense of insecurity, or fear, of not being there to witness the changes in the people whom I know as my friends. Mervin Law? Lol.. He's just.. the funniest bravest coolest funnest most most most most most funky person alive. Pls my stomach hurts and mouth aches whenever he scolds the teachers in front of their faces. Can't imagine how bland and uninteresting life would have been without him. He aces everything.. every subject every hobby every game. Sometime somehow, he became someone whom i respected alot. Sobs yes if u're reading it -.- go away shoo.
Lol.. Ok it feels so weird to blog about such stuff on a public blog. Feels so choked and weird. Uh huh guess i gotta learn how to adjust to this, if i'm ever gonna contribute to this blog. Yea.. such a private thoughts are usually reserved for b3.. Nonsense bullshit reserved for suibianlo(which i have only posted twice, 1 of them didnt even count)... and f4? Haha.. I just.. really appreciate mel's efforts to ensure that we have something else that we can remember about each other. Sharing this common space for thoughts, hanging out at least in virtual space, trying our best to retain and exhibit who we are to each other, ensuring that we do not just.. disappear amongst the millions on earth.
Sigh.. alright. Night all..
Graduation time...
Gotta move on
ben stepped on your garbage at
1:16 AM
hey... cheh i expected like tons of posts... ee all of u sleeping i'm like here in hk missing blogging and chatting (and sobz scared of losing touch of dota)!! missing everyone terribly...
ok ack (ackerley) really rox... lolz he sent me like daily updates of what happened in school... read my mind or something. kept thinking about what everyone was doing while i was here...
spending time here with my sis, dad and mum. altho my sis and mum just wentback.. so for the next few days, i'm pretty much alone in hong kong. hk is really like singapore... their public transport is great (MRT and bus) and huge buildings and stuff like that... so yea rather easy to get around and all that. shopping's excellent here cos the buildings are like connected and shops are just everywhere...
so the past few days, i've been shopping. not really shopping... just tagging along after my mum and sis and getting rather bored. the moment i go into a store just find the place where shoes are sold, and sit on the chairs in the area. of course i also bought quite a lot of stuff... lolz hk's stuff are rather trendy so yup the things there quite cool and nice. oh yea... in between the times when i was waiting for my mum and sis, i completed my pokemon fire red!!! yea!!! i was 10 levels lower than my rival's pokemon but i still thrashed him wahahahaha!!! (see told u i was bored)
two events to take note off. first was karaoke yesterday. finally get to go ktv... like super duper long since we had a decent singing session... every since the LD player spoilt. song selection was great too... ktv really rox they have a lot of newer songs and a much wider variety than home...
then was october fiest (or fest wateva) today. just came back home from the celebration... it's basically a party where everyone's sitting in long rows of tables. the front is a stage, and there's a german band (it's a german festival but it spreaded to a lot of countries) that is just singing and merry making and stirring up the audience. so there was games, eating (oh my gosh hk food is great shall tell u about it later)...eating thsi time is a bit special. it's like one whole slab of meat (western style) and your plate, and a hell super duper mega lot of beer. everyone's just drinking, and every single thing after every song for every small reason they drink. so yup after a while can u imagine... everyone's just standing on their chairs (and we're tlaking about 50 60 year olds here) and clapping their hands and shouting and being very happy. the atmosphere was really great... and i guess it's kinda really new experience... fun too. lolz i drank orange juice tho... still too young to drink... not that i'm interested anyway.
FOOD!! food in hk rox. if u compare one siew mai in s'pore and one in hk... the one in s'pore is mostly flour, and is puny... basically the size of a big marble. the one in hk, is huge... ping pong ball!!! PLUS each bite has a genuine full sized prawn... which equates to around 3 prawns in that yellow scrumptious ball of meat!! so yeap dim sum here is really the best... we had this desserts too which are superb. i had this tang yuans... but it was fried. so outside its kinda crispy but with sesame inside that spills out when u bite the tang yuan open... and the best part, U DIP IT IN CHOCOLATE SAUCE WOOHOO so it's like super duper nice!!! then my sis had this hot chocolate pudding... some sorta cake... but inside the cake is melted chocolate... waaa heaven sia!! my mum had this mix of stuff that is a bit of jelly, a bit ofsago, a bit of mango, and altogether it's like sweet paradise!! lolz my gosh heaven is a place on earth (at least in terms of food).
anyway... we had a farewell event organized on wednesday which i missed... sobz really really pity that i missed it. heard so much great stuff about it!! sigh... guess must make some sacrifices and live with my decisions.
so yep to the 3 of u... cont to blog (sobz ben goh ne??) and keep me updated about your lives... i'm stll interested to know even tho i'm in hk... don't dota too much (lolz obviuosly easier said than done, even for me)... and treasure the hols!! wee so excited to get back and start the fun!!
p.s cal pls remember our date with the section on monday... or wednesday... or something i'm coming back late on sunday so have to do a bit of fast planning if we're going out on monday. haven't told chester or andrew yet...
MeL stepped on your garbage at
11:09 PM
Today i woke up at 11am, was freaking tired. Must be the hangover from all the late nite sleeps. Wasted my morning watching tv. Ok not much of a morning left anyway. Went to play warcraft3 campaign, the trailer is freaking cool. The campaign's quite fun also.
At 'bout 3+pm, I left with my family for the gym. Went to workout (ok i wasn't really working out, just slacking around) for a while. After that we went for dinner at this country club called Hollandse Club. Its a dutch club. Yes, it really is a dutch club. There weren't many locals around, most were expatriats. The feeling u get is really really weird, coz u are like one of those few local people around. The culture is different, and the way they look at u and treat u.... Not to mention the food was ex. yes very ex. Not worth it. So ok, you can probably gather that it wasn't really a great experience.
So..... Just don't go there.
bkz stepped on your garbage at
9:15 PM
Melvyn | Calvin | Benny | Ben Goh
rimb'05, rjcsb'07
flutes & saxes