Rubbish Bin
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i was already thinking of the title 2 hours ago... "great accomplishment", "8 KM!!", "so proud of myself..." and stuff along those lines but since i can't choose i shall just anyhow think out a name... incidentally eragon is the name of the hero in my super nice story book. everytime i read fantasy story books i'll imagine what it'd be like to live a life like that... to do magic!! ok nvm i'm getting off the point
anyway we were supposed to go mac ritchie to run... the usual cross country route? yea but i was quite apprehensive about it and so when it became quite late (arnd 6) and we still haven't left i was secretly happy cos that means dont' need to run!! so my bro came back and asked us to run around the estate only... that one not so bad cos we usually run the big round... which is around 3+ km. i dont' usually run it but well... lolz they do.
yup so my bro decided he'd do his EXTRA big round... which the 3 of us (me sis and bro) usually go on weekends... it takes around an hour to complete the round and we go super duper far... except that i'm on a bicycle :) the last time we went, my sis traded places with me near the last part of the run cos she was too tired and so i ran a tiny bit. this time, i decided to be extra gung-ho (more like decided not to embarrass myself by taking the bike while the rest of the family including my dad and mum were running) and ran with them instead.
for the 1st 15 min, i managed to keep up with my bro altho i bet he was just running a leisurely pace... 2 of us leading -.- i was actually deluded into thinking i was fit enough to keep pace with my bro. after that tho, i started to slow down (2.4 only takes 15 min max ok so its understandable that i slowed down!!) and mm everyone started to overtake me. by the 30+ min tho... i was being tortured (ok i'm always tortured when i'm running but this is really torture) and telling myself with each step that i will not give up and will not stop to walk (actually got stop lar traffic lights all that but thats different... and this is not a delusional belief ok!!) my legs were aching terribly during the run itself... ached for 30+ min but sobz i just kept telling myself not to give up and AHH i am stronger than this and will not walk. gosh the temptation... so many i nearly nearly nearly stopped to walk until i steeled myself and told myself wo bu ke yi zhe yang jiu fang qi... all the time i was thinking of how i was going to boast and feel so accomplished and how i was going to blog about it (that was when i was thinking of the title for this post)that i ran 8km+ (lolz must remember the + cos it very well might have been 10 km... according to my dad) and zz so focused on finishing the run without stopping at all. and i did it! and i'm super proud of myself... 8 km... my max is wad 5 km... for 16 years i've never run this kind of distance before...
shall outline the route. from home, we ran to braddell... than to bartley, then turned in to a road leading to hougang, past that and finally going back home. home sweet home... i gulped down 1 glass of orange juice, 1 quarter can of 100 plus, 1 yakult and 1 glass of water... all super cold with a lot of ice. lolz replenish everything i lost... my legs are aching already... think i'll just die tmr lie in bed and be served.
but cannot... tmr got to reach airport by 8.30... we're sending off our classmate... the one that we've organized our farewell party a few weeks ago for. jiu ming arh my legs hurt...
MeL stepped on your garbage at
10:17 PM
yes im back
Yo! Disappear for so long obviously must reappear. Been out and out and out so much that i miss lazing around at home. It's so nice to just sleep till 1pm, laze in bed for another hour, come online to play dota, eat lunch while playing dota, blog, sleep again, wake eat dinner while playing dota, continue playing dota den sleep. Lol cannot do that everyday lar but in between the holidays must have these days to relax and totally slack off. Day after that, go out again. Ah such a wonderful life.
Hmm just had 2 dreams. They're pretty sad so i shall not elaborate on them. Just know that they reflect my current.. worries and concerns. Hope everything goes well, whatever i'm planning to do. Ok so, later meeting right! Can't wait to watch Narnia.. and tomorrow got the CODA concert to look forward to. And ahem, a million apologies.. i haven't purchased ANY christmas gifts. None for you guys, none for suibianlo none for b3 none for xclassmates none for NO ONE BUT MYSELF. I AM SO SORRY BUT I HAVE NO MORE MONEY .. SPIT
ben stepped on your garbage at
12:57 PM
lolz surprise my mum!!!
bleh (ooh my new favourite word!!! bleh!! lolz wateva...) we had our rosyth gathering today. went to sim lim in the afternoon to get a nice new keyboard, came back and went to kovan to get new books... meeting up with the mushroomers. then we went for the gathering together at someone's house. ok e moment i stepped in i was greeted by this girl that looked so different that i couldnt' recognize her for a moment even tho she recognized me instantly so yea... that was quite awkward.
anyway e party mostly consisted of cards playing and yea... not that much socializing and renewing friendships as much as we would have liked it to be. no gambling :( lolz better not become addicted to gambling ok!!! so fun tho...
yup so after we left we decided to walk from upper payar lebar all e way back to kovan to stay over at one of e mushroomer's house and play mahjong (maybe). but then lolz things suddenly changed and my sis msged me that my dad was back (one day early) and she was in a taxi. yup so i asked my mum to fetch me and went back home. it was meant as a surprise for my mum so we din't tell her anything about my dad coming back. so when we came back my mum went to sit at the dining table and me and my sis went to talk to her... lolz my dad crept down slowly from the stairs. me and sis were grinning at aunty anula already and mum started to get a bit suspicious... but she didn't notice the noise made by brilliant jumping at my dad or the creaking of the stairs. lolz so she got a huge shock and a very pleasant surprise (ok she screamed lolz!) when my dad suddenly popped up behind her!! lolz so nice...
ahh the days are flying past... more and more things to do (besides dotaing)!! must compile all of the last 4 year's work and back it up or something... all my daries and my essays and stuff and preserve watever i can of this 'phase' of life. precious memories!! but only can do that on the last day of e year itself... cos i'm also recording each blog entry (something like a substituion to diarying) so yep all these entries are important memories that are gonna be stored. lolz sounds so systematic and organized... which are hardly wat thots and memories are but ok nvm i'm rambling again. bleh probably to late for dota so i'll just pop off to sleep and read my book or something...
MeL stepped on your garbage at
11:44 PM
entries getting shorter and shorter so shameful
Ya I'm going.. you all bought the tickets already? If haven't right dun buy from jermynnn buy from my sis she can't sell her tickets. Tell me k..
ok SORRY NO. My sis gave her tickets away so nevermind.. lol order from richard ba.. but i got mine! so no need to order for me
ben stepped on your garbage at
11:13 AM
rosyth gathering tmr!!!
yay so exciting going for rosyth gathering tmr... maybe can play mahjong again lolz who knows... anyway yep meeting up with ppl i haven't met for ages... probably will be a bit uncomfortable but at least there're familiar faces around and ppl to talk to... referring to e mushroomers of course.
anyway yup so everyone's free on 27th right? lolz we catch a night movie... maybe after dinner? like around 7 or 8 movie in cine or something... then walk around for a while... then stayover? benny can't stayover tho... then the next day there's this raffles winds concert... me and benny and jeff going you two wanna go?? lolz must tell benny if you'll wanna go... wonder wat raffles winds will be like...
*yawn* going to sleep... probably going to sim lim tmr... get a nice new keyboard. i think... lolz scully i'm too lazy to go. oh well good night sweet dreams everyone...
MeL stepped on your garbage at
12:03 AM
yup yup
Lol duh! These kinda precious bonds right.. so difficult to forge and maintain. Gotta cherish them dearly. And ya! I can make it on the 27th so.. calvin benny up to guys. Hmm pretty worn out.. spent the entire day watching Full House in bernice's house with b3. It's an awesome show i love korean dramas (L) lol.. Probably gonna sleep soon.. listen to some fort minor first. Cya
ben stepped on your garbage at
2:05 AM
mushroom xmas
xmas is a special season!! lolz we celebrated xmas yesterday for e mushroomers... actually supposed to go over to one of their house cos their parents going overseas but there was a last minute change of plan and so they came over instead.
ahh we went to the five star hainanese chicken rice restaurant... supposed to go bao xin but then it was crowded so we went to this mini restaurant instead. lolz they call themselves five star but their service really sux and their dishes um... kinda ran out -.- anyway lolz quite cool to see a whole group of 6 young ppl going into a restaurant for dinner... i mean usually accompanied by adults wad. anyway can't help but feel proud with this group of friends... i mean it's been 7 years... 4 years we've been separated and we're still going out together... our parents also commented quite a few times on this group of friends. lolz of course i still admire b3 cos that one is like waa... so close after wad... 10 years arh... and of course proud of f4 also!! feel proud that even tho there's so much barrier between gep and express we're still so good friends and even have our own blog!!
anyway after that we came back and played mahjong for a while... 16 games... not really 16 lar but until the prevailing wind go one full round then we stopped. so happy i didn't lose anything... but then lolz the other two lost 6 bucks each to the last person. mahjong is so fun... gamble!!! but then eeya all the money she win all win thru the gang and an gang and food chain... zz we all lose so much money thru that. then she won 2 5-tai games!!!! wth thats like 1.60 each from each person instantly each game. lolz we played maximum 5 tai so as not to lose too much in one round.
we ate log cake also... lolz gonna have 3 log cakes this season. one with mushroomers, one with family party, another one with u guys... lolz each cake 30+ leh... but then also quite nice lar even tho its just a cylinder-shaped cake lolz. saw the haagen daaz xmas cake looks so super nice... in the shape of a house with decorations and icing and all that... but um its like 100+ bucks so ok nvm. watched mr&mrs smith and tom&jerry after that... lolz then we fell asleep. thats pretty much for our xmas party...
now wat about OUR xmas party... lolz mm are you guys ok with 27th? 12 days of xmas after all haha... cos from 22nd onwards i'm quite busy cos my dad coming back... and narnia only comes out on the 22nd so might be difficult. fighting off the initial waves of panic from the ending holidays and starting school but then hmm must keep calm... and lolz continue to enjoy the rest of my hols.
OH YES i improved again!!! by 40 sec ok such an amazing achievement my 2.4 is now 13.27!! tired now anyway... might have pri school outing on 22nd... but lolz its so unconfirmed and disorganized... but then still looking forward to it i guess. aiya worried later we keep procrastinating then our whole xmas never celebrate but then the narnia also come out so freaking late aiyo... cannot let that happen ok!!!! XMAS!!
MeL stepped on your garbage at
8:27 PM
Gram·my : Old and Forsaken Rubbish
The Grammy awards suck anyway. First it sounds like some sick gluey gummy shit. Secondly, it keeps throwing away awards to stupid people who dun deserve it. Can't remember when and which year but i remember my siblings and i gaping in sheer shock when grammy upsets happened over and over again. Stupid shit. Oh. HMMPH! That time also deny my avril of the best newcomer thing, then give norah jones. Not that norah jones is lousy but avril is obviously superior to her. What nonsense is that. Prestigous shit. Grammy. Grammies, Graaaamy, GraMmMMMYmY. Oh its beyond redemption. Still sounds like shit to me. Poor thing. it is SO grossly overrated. Don't understand why it is so prestigous. So to all those big shots who decide the outcome of the grammy awards out there, should kelly not win anything,
..l.. -.- ..l.. <--- get it? Anyway i did some research and found the selecting process done here. Bet it's all crap anyway. All bulllllshitttttttttt
Do any of u watch the nanny? Lol i tell you it's the funniest sitcom i have ever watched (sob sorry Lisa kudrow i still like friends alot but the nanny is just too fantastic). Been watching it every weekend. They replay the entire week's one at one go 3 hours straight or something. See that's why i can't bring myself to get off the couch. Seriously try watching just any episode and i promise you that if it doesnt force a laughter out of you, you're in desperate need for therapy.
Was packing my room just now. Well, the area behind my bed. Looked through the cds that i had, and i must say that i'm quite impressed. 40 albums collected from a span of 2 years? 40 x 20 = 800 bucks omg. But it's money well spent, i say. Those money will probably be squandered on other stuff anyway. So might as well support the artistes whom i love. Avril Britney Evanescence Gwen Stefani Kelly clarkson Kelly rowland Kylie Minogue ahh ok lazy to list the rest. But anyway, i still like each of them so so much. The recording industry's really so exciting. Maybe i'll get to participate in some part of it in the future. Who knows lol. Hope for the best!
Alright. Cya guys
ben stepped on your garbage at
11:34 PM
kelly clarkson number 1 always (duh right?)
Yo.. watching the vma'05 on mtv. Haven't gotten off the couch since i woke up and collapse onto it. I'm living a fat and gross lifestyle. But very happy lar so nevermind. So happy seeing kelly clarkson bagging the awards. Actually read about it and knew most of the results a long time ago but then still very happy to see her receive them. Sad.. Somehow i feel that the rest of the artistes aren't exactly very fond of her. She's just too.. chirpy and different from the rest of them. I'm totally in love with her style and all.. She's still the person that i saw on the 1st american idol. Gutsy, funky, and fully confident of her powerful vocals. Hmm.. just less happy i guess. All the pressure from the media.. she must have been through quite a lot the past few years. All those avril lavigne shoving, Joel madden's verbal attack, 'fake rocker' criticisms all that shit.. She just seems too special to be enduring all this. Ah just wish her all the best! And as what i told her personally when i met her in the perfect 10 studio (yaaa im still gloating over it~~~), i will support her always. Oh btw my chemical romance's live performance sucked. Hm. And poor gwen. Won nothing other than that.. fashion voting thing. She deserves better. But kelly was her competitor in those awards that she was nominated for. So sad. OK PAISEH just checked the site and realized she won 3 awards ok sheesh. Don't feel sad for her anymore. Yay green day receiving the video of the year award now. Obviously they deserve it. Love their music(and their videos). Holla!
Family's going for dinner later at our regular haunt the hougang coffee shop. The steamboat there's awesome and the side dishes, my sweet and sour pork and the sa/sha bo/guo/dunno dou fu or something and the yum yum kailan/or whatever veg. We really must go there sometime someday. Ok byebye
oh WOO kelly's performing now. Since u've been gone. That's what i've been waiting for loh the finale. rock onnnn
ben stepped on your garbage at
4:17 PM
sobz my handwriting sux
yucks seems so impossible but my already shitty handwriting became even worse!!! after months of impractice... inpractice...unpractice wateva don't even think got such a word. its so messy and cao now... nvm u guys can see it for yourselves zz.
so boring no dota... i tried playing normal game but aiya keep losing so demoralizing get beaten by AI. scully next time *gasp* omnius rule everyone like in dune series eh but then its quite possible ok... lalala my tuition teacher abandoned all my chi stuff... i tot she wanted all of em so i kept them so nicely but she didn't even call me or anything hmph!! then all my stack of fullscap papers and gao zhi... aiyar when go back for band prac i'll pass to andrew or something all getting eaten up by paper bugs and booklice already.
ohh i just remembered i have books to read!! and maybe later i'll practice my guitar... and my flute also but so lazy to take out my flute and stuff. guitar at least anything anyhow also can but flute got rigid procedures to follow and warmups and all that tiring stuff... i still like it of course :)
MeL stepped on your garbage at
11:36 AM
Yo.. yea let's do just that! sorry hor can't make it on christmas night cos hmm got b3 gathering (which im really really looking forward to btw lol) that night but yup.. can't wait to catch narnia with u guys! And of course, to savour the log cake. bah somehow log reminds me of math. *disgust* Anyway, yupyupyup xin ku mel organise le. Forever he has to be the working his heart out to get us to go out together. Feel so bad then never lend a helping hand at all so got time to type type all this nonsense here. Shi zai dui bu qi ni. But anyway as of now, im free anyday except for this coming monday, christmas night and the day after that, and new year's eve i think, if suang's ever gonna organize that party of his. Really hope so.
Oh yea, was watching mtv just now.. Keep switching channels lar but anyway, caught some old mvs of linking park. Really miss their music.. They're really such talented musicians.. for being able to create such brilliant music. Sad.. have they disbanded? The Mike person started a new band called Fort minor? Well not really a band right.. it's just him. I really like the latest single.. 'Believe me' its called, right? Gonna buy his album next week or something. Wanted to buy Enya's new album too.. but then aiya might as well get tong to send me :X You did not see anything
Ok till nexttt time!
ben stepped on your garbage at
12:37 AM
waa i just watched finish the 9 o clock show... the dancing one. last episode so i decided to watch it and miss my 8+ dota game. lolz i have my regular schedule for dota one... 8+ got, 10+ got another one... then until 12 sleep le.
anyway felt quite inspired by the show... i've always liked dancing. we had this mass line dance once in pri school i think... or was it in RI? dono forgot le... everyone always seems to shun dancing but i've always enjoyed it. lolz apparently my mum is quite interested also so we may both take up dancing together!! waa one small decision to watch a show may impact me my whole life!!! become world class dancer and never study again... become famous and wahaha standing ovation!! zz delusions talking nonsense. but i'm serious about the dancing class ok... at least a bit more serious than becoming a world class dancer :)aiya but then so many things i wanted to do all never do hmm who knows wat will happen...
i improved a bit in 2.4!! lolz shall report my 2.4 timing always so can track my progress... i know its not very interesting but aiya i shall believe that u guys are all so happy with my improvement!! btw this is one promise i intend to keep ok... cannot keep making empty promises even if it is just to myself and zz so little conviction and commitment. i must get my 2.4 to 10+ by NAPFA!! mm come to think about it i think its really quite difficult... perserverance!! i was about to say 'bet by next year i'll forget all about it' zz but then this is definitely what will happen if i say that so i cannot say this kind of thing. delusions... or a nicer word - dreams... are useful ok. practicality is sometimes a mere limitation.
lolz anyway got so much time to blog now cos my frens are still in dota game so i have nothing to do now... went to zhiyong's (the guy leaving)house today... played a bit of stuff like bridge, dota, normal game and then i left for kovan where i borrowed my books and cut my hair!! think the hair cut rather sux but then aiya at least its not that irritating anymore... last time my fringe kept getting in my eyes.
aiyo crap anyway i gotta top up my pencil box when school reopens... my sis just happily pillages my pencil box and my stationary all vanishes. starting to think about school le... wonder who's gonna be in my class... wonder wat i'll do if i can't get into KI... wonder wat will KI be like... wonder if i'll still have time for fun. ok that one don't need to wonder i'll make time for fun.
mm ok i think dota's starting shall end off... we're watching narnia together? lets spend that day as xmas then... wateva day we choose to watch. buy log cake or something then stayover lor... lolz something like that lar. walk around in orchard talk nonsense... eat nice food!! ok byebye!!
MeL stepped on your garbage at
10:08 PM
Quote: 'You Lie To MeeeEEEEE!?! MIND YOUR MANNERS'
NOooo careful ok.. I'm not sure whether they lowered the price or not but i got cheated twice cos i didn't know that the prices there were for ahem.. 1 week rental fee -.-. Yes so by the end of it, all the items will poof~ just like that. Z my ice skiier set gone just like that. So buy right, better buy the infinite one ok. The 1 week one is such a waste of money for us who dun play everyday. Careful kkk.
Today do what leh? So happy woke up at 11 today. Even though mum was still the one who woke me up due to the ruckus that she makes every morning, can wake up so late very good le. Read the papers, watched tv for a while, bro just went out. Hmm.. Probably gonna swim later. Bro got into sispac (spell correctly or not? but anyway its the sergeant training stuff one).. feel so sad for him. Obviously he wants ocs. Then he said if no ocs might as well go police. But too bad his platoon no police intake so.. Too bad loh. Aiya maybe he'll do exceptionally well in sispac and be recommended by his superiors to transfer to ocs dunno lar. Wish him luck.
Feel much more comfortable wearing this new specs actually. Not because it's designed to be so for the wearer, but cos the lenses are of lower degree. Ya left eye dropped by 75, right eye by 25. Duno why my short sightedness getting better le. Issit cos of my recent (=this year) fascination with carrots??? Wth but anyway, all's well. Hope drop forever den no need to wear specs in future save the trouble. Oh maybe become blind also shuo bu ding. Z later become weilian dowan. Spouting shit again stop it. Nothing more to say. Ciao
ben stepped on your garbage at
1:01 PM
Yes! Gunbound...
I found my old gunbound account!!!! yes i know this sounds abit childish and all, 16 year olds some where elsewhere in the world are working to make ends meet while here i am in front of my com playing gunbound... quite dumb really, but whatever, thats not what this post is about.
This post is about me retrieving my password for my old gb account and realising i got 61k inside, and whats more, they lowered the price for all the items, so now i can afford the golden armour set!!! yes!!! which was once almost impossible, i think i can buy both the helm and armour if i sell some of my current items, how great is that!??? Its like stumbling upon a pot of gold!!! yes... ahahaha...
bkz stepped on your garbage at
11:48 PM
Lol wahh your party so fun de. I also wanna stay over at pasir ris park/east coast park anywhere! A whole new experience lehh so fun. Ya i haven't watched narnia. Watch together loh.. Don't mind going zoo also.. Then i also wanna go ur house again.. Aiya everything also wanna do so shameless.
Hmm i watched kingkong yesterday with 2H peps. It's one of the best shows that i've ever watched :< . Yes don't look at me like that! I'm also very shocked that i can feel this way towards a movie about an oversized gorilla. It's just.. Great casts with brilliant acting skills + wow directing and sound effects. I liked everything about it, and the ending was.. ugh. So heartwrenching.. Couldn't even think straight after the movie ended. It's really nice guys.. u gotta watch it if you haven't.
I just lagged out of some tower defence map. Lol so happy cos it barely started and i had zero kills at the beginning thanks to my isolated position at the bottom right hand corner of the map and my unflattering mazing skills. then i wanted to blog and blog surf too. Therefore, when i saw the 'You were disconnected from this mission' thing, wheeee!!! So lucky~
And crap. Just got my new specs too. It's freaking ugly the ugliest shit i've ever seen. Was i blind or something when i picked it last week. Damn bloody gross the color. Looks like rusted.. iron or something. Then the curvy thing connecting the two HUMONGOUS lenses look like some bent mutated shit. What was i thinking.. Oh mannnn don't think i'm gonna use it in jc. Fashion disaster.. Doesn't suit me at all. Esp the lenses loh so huge.. zhe mo bannn aiya revert to my old one lar. I like it alot anyway, just that i keep smashing it onto the floor unwittingly and it's very feeble now. Feel so sad for it. And for myself.
oh can we go visit benny or something. Wanna see ur colleagues. They sound so shitty must go and see shitty to what extent. Haiii 15 more days or something right? To next year.. when school starts and all. Better continue going out and do nonsense later no time le. Calvinnn your work ending this week issit? Z duno anything wth.. okk byebye
ben stepped on your garbage at
4:55 PM
class party!!!
hello just returned from a *gruelling* party... mm anyway qutie a few ppl didn't turn up cos they had something on or another so only 16 out of 27 ppl managed to make it. nevertheless everyone brought stuff cos it was pot luck so we had an overload of food... something which i didn't really think would happen.
yup we met up at pasir ris park around 5 pm and we officially started around 6 or something... lolz we went to relive childhood memories!! went to the playground to play 3 blind mice for a while until some stoopid woman told us off cos we were too big and we were endangering the toddlers with our activities -.- so we decided to play catching instead LOLZ!!! um police and theif rather... used to play it every recess in pri school but then aiyar now so lousy and some more so unfit so ended up we all lost to the police so sad case...
after a while we then went back for dinner and start feasting on the mountain of food... super duper a lot!! played a bit more until around 10 or 11 then ppl started leaving already and luckily they brought back their food with them or not we would have hell lot to clear up the next morning. 5 of us stayed over at the park... lolz ack brought a 4-man tent and we sorta camped over there... we played cards... some super lame game called pomelo um involves name labelling and remembering the person's name something like that. lolz that game play until super fun laugh non stop every game cos of e stoopid names we gave ourselves... zz i was so dumb to name myself pangsai and then just died horribly cos it was so easy to remember...
played stuff like that... plus heart attack, a bit of speed until around 3 am then i started to drift off and become drowsy... lolz as usual i'm e first one cannot tahan. after a while we ended up sleeping in the tent... we set alarm clock so that we could watch sunrise!!! so around 6 we woke up and went to the rocks by the sea to sit down and watch the sky... waiting for the sun to come out. ok at first we saw the first glimmers of light in the sky and it was actually quite nice ok... look at different parts of the sky got different colors de... then we expected the sun to slowly come out from the horizon but zz instead all we got was the sky happily getting brighter with no sign of the sun at all -.- think it was behind some dark clouds or something. lolz then we cleared up... ok not we cos i was still so lethargic that i went to the bench and mat wateva i could find and just lay there and refused to clear up anything. lolz aiya so thats the end of the party!!
we should try this some day... lolz but then so few of us hmm. when are your jobs ending!!!! ben goh have u watched narnia?? lolz we still going zoo mar??
MeL stepped on your garbage at
10:27 AM
mm i feel quite accomplished today. ok lolz i mean at least today is not just dota the whole day... anyway ben goh how can u say we very lan!! i was so inspired by your ideal of not working ok!!!! i always think... if my hols were to end tmr would i regret spending my hols this way... lolz and then i think to myself: nah. after all this is the only period when i can get to enjoy total carefree-ness and luxury and do-anything-i-want. what better way to spend it other than slacking? zz ok wat a radical outlook.
anyway i went to PS today to help my sis change her guitar string... yup thats right i lugged HER guitar all the way there. slave labor -.- but then aiya i use the guitar anyway plus i'm so free so ok lor nothing to do. then i bought some stuff too and uh mm wat did i do... i read my book on the way there!!! lolz accomplishment! anyway when i got back it was quite late in the afternoon i left around 3 came back around 5.30 so my mum me and sis went to the club again. i went swimming this time. zz swam until my legs felt like lead after that... never felt that way before even after running my legs were shaking but then this time my legs felt so heavy. unfit-ness. anyway so happy i fianlly got the capo for the guitar... something to transpose the guitar so i can reach the notes which are too high or low for me.
need to tell u guys something but then hmm can't do it on such a public forum. argh so rarely all online and active at the same time. *yawn* party's coming up tmr mm hope it'll go well... a few of us probably staying over together in pasir ris park... lolz in a tent or something dono just hope we all have fun. sux if something doesn't work out... esp when you're the planner.
anyway i'm learning a lot from this dune series of books... absorbing a lot of ideas about human nature... one idea they keep reiterating is that human nature is unpredictable. hmm a lot of implications if u think about it...lolz even tho its a sci fi book. really interesting series... i'm on my last book le so gonna finish the series soon.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
11:25 PM
dum dum dumb me!
Yoyo 2 days never visit blogs le den had to read so many things.. Haha A Midsummer Night's Dream is by Shakespeare loh. Hmmm havent finished my hamlet yet.. forever wont finish. Anansi Boys also. So horrible right.. say wanna paint read write den didnt do a single shit related to them. Oh.. Spent so much time dreaming about doing them though. A typical lazy idiot. Bahh
Anyway, been going out with the 2H gang for the last 2 days. It's so cool to hang out with them man. Ya never was exactly very close to them. As in, in the past, and even now, i dont really talk to them alot. Always just listen quietly to their interesting conversations and feel so glad to have them as my classmates. So its really quite amazing for me to actually bother to get my sick ass off the couch (been watching tv forever obviously with my bro using the comp, even though i honestly think that time spent away from it is MUCH more well spent and so much happier) and go cycle, lan, bowl, play pool with them. Oh, i SUCK totally at pool. Can't stand it man! I'm so lousy that so many times i hit the ball it only move abit and sat on the moronic happy dust lying just in front of it. HIT NOTHING. = im a supershit player. Kanasai only i can do this kinda thing. Weiyang won me on his maiden game -.-'' Yes now u know the extent of my kanasainess. Suan le dun wanna talk about it anymore.
Tomorrow going out with them again lol.. to watch movie.. not sure what show lar meeting at 12.30 dhoby ghaut. I was late again today.. no surprise right? But better than shaun sleep until 4.30 den end up never go lol. But i feel ENTIRELY responsible for it okk. I was supposed to call him but i dun have his home number. Then his handphone no batt i think.. or off lar. But its definitely my fault loh.. Take it for granted that bp would always be there to tell me shaun's number.. den dun bother to save it (hes now playing happily in japan for those uninformed). really cannot tahan myself wah lauuuu
Yay just won a game of worm warms~ Aiya just that i got a crypt craving at the end den just overtook willy liddat so tyco. Ok conclude this entry ba.. Hmm.. been thinking about something.. still rather undecided.. but well... let me contemplate more abit first then say ba. Byebye! Calvin Benny Jiayou!!! 1 work in office another in topman. All zzz so high class. Mel! Lol.. Wo men hen lannnn leh. Aiya nevermind.. I shall continue slacking... holiday ending already anyway. Must spend more time at orchard. Byebye..
oh yes anyway haiz keep seeing old people about to die in drama serials. Feel so sad leh.. we're obviously gonna end up like that too (unless meet with early mishap pui pui touch wood). Feel so sad .. dowan to die. So many things to do in this world. Den dunno what happen after i die oso. For this kinda.. faithless guy like me.. very confused right? what am i talking about bye
ben stepped on your garbage at
10:25 PM
I got transferred lol. Actually its still within the same shop, just different section. But i dont really get much of a chance to talk to my "ex-staff", its the kinda like the "so near yet so far" kinda feeling, coz despite working in the same premises, we are effectively working under a different shop, with a different supervisor and all, and u dont usually get to walk to the other section to say hi to them, coz it will look really.... ok dont know the word, just doesnt seem right.
Started off quite well, but as the days progressed, things got a bit sticky. The ppl i work with now are more chatty so to speak. Used to work with all the gals (and chio bus) but now must work with guys. (still got gals, but not very chio haha...!!) The guys are quite lame, always joke, and tease (mostly the other gals). Most of the time they joke so much that 2 out of 3 things they say is a lie (or joke, depends on how u see it.) One of them is 16 (at first he lied that he was 18) and is going to to RJC next year. Took me a while to find out, but yea, he is one of the very prominent ppl, who likes to play "brother brother" with the other male staff, wear the same belt, same underwear and stuff. Started in november and works 6 days a week so he is quite experienced. The other is 22, worked quite long i think, so he is even more experienced, looks shuai and quite fit (muscular) . Also luuuuv to crap alot, tease and all that shit, esp. with the female staff. Then theres this guy (dunno his age), not hua ren, he's a permanent staff, told me that the first look at me he thought i was a spoilt brat, apparently coz of my oakley specs. He asked me a whole host of questions, from " ur father drive mercds?", " u got maid?", "got laptop?", and yea etc. Didnt want to lie yea, but aft i told the truth, he asked me why i wanted to work, then he mimed the action of me bowing to my parents and raising my hand out to ask for money.... imagine what it felt like lol. The 22 year old guy was whispering into his ear all that time, probably the one who came up with the questions, but i think he didnt want to piss ppl off so he didnt ask them. The 3 of them are quite close together, strong "botherly-ties" kinda thing. Then there is the senior staff, (he is the boss when supervisor is not around), another guy who also jokes (not as much though), not so "anyhow", quite aloof from the newer staff, but nevertheless, the 3 of them are quite close to him. When in their presence, he is somewhat like them.. Theres the supervisor, not singaporean. Hes more formal, think maybe he is from hong kong, cauze of the slight accent. Quite good coz he lets u choose ur break time. A very tall lanky person, not as clown as the other ppl...
Then there are the female staff, these are the names the guys call them, the one that looks abit plump, is called lindsay lohan, the one that has a bit of mole on her face (like freckles) is called moely or sexy thing, cause they find her figure good, the other one with a bit of a bugs bunny tooth is called bugsy...-.-" Theres still one more, but i cant remember what they call her.
My "ex-supervisor" (before i transferred) told me that the ppl here like to talk alot of rubbish and not to mind them. lol ... dunno what to comment about this
So thats the overview of the ppl i work with. :)
bkz stepped on your garbage at
1:31 AM
midsummer night's dream
ooh the title just popped out to me... so poetic right zz but i bet i just remember it from some book or song or something. lolz it has absolutely no relation with e content of this post anyway.
ok so how's everyone?? i'm tired cos i went to the gym... my 2.4 is still 14 min yux thats 3+ more min to cut. just read my book and dotaed the rest of the day... read finish my legends of dune 2... moving on to book 3!! such a nice series want to know everything yet don't want it to end...
one of our class mate is going away to canada for 7 months or something so we're organizing a farewell party for him this wed! going to pasir ris park for a pot luck... lolz ok the planning team was so small only me and the class treasurer and a few other ppl and it was quite hasty planning... but really hope the party goes well and we have fun. it'll be quite cheesy if we didn't enjoy it...
xmas is coming!! do u ppl feel the mood? i'm a bit sleepy so lolz not a good judge but i'd say this year's xmas seems pretty normal... maybe just haven't been to town enough yet. anyway are we gonna do anything? hmm narnia!! can't wait for it to come out so a grand show... exactly the kind i like with action, fantasy, grandeur and finesse... appeal to my kiddish side at least... but then i never really relinquished it. i never believed in giving up my childhood imagination and dreams.
i stayed over at the a friend's house (alex - e guy who lives opposite the market, which means its walking distance from my house) with a few others... lolz we played comp, had dinner, watched movie at my house, had supper, then went back to sleep. then we woke up to a pillow fight (some sorta pillow fight... seemed to involve more blankets then pillows tho) which was quite the highlight of the whole stayover and then we played a bit more and i left first.
tmr's probably the same routine of dota and reading books... and maybe planning for the party... no more flute lessons cos my teacher went to shanghai/taiwan donnodowad so i'm spared that for the time being till 9th jan... mm forgot whether i told u guys but i may be becoming a youth helper in church!! means i'm gonna help to teach the younger ppl (sec 2s i think) about faith! lolz actually i only agreed cos i like working with the teacher (a rather old and super nice guy who taught me too when i was in sec 3) but then hmm i think i can help the juniors too i guess... they need youth helpers to relate to the young cos the age gap between teacher and student is a bit too big... esp in this kind of religion beliefs. teaching is such a meaningful task. shame on lousy teachers. mm quite big commitment tho every sunday morning there's class and probably gotta spend more time on planning events and stuff... oh well i'll just see how it goes.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
11:59 PM
lol hello.. feel so guilty for not accounting for my mysterious disappearance for the last few days. Bro's graduated from the bmt school and will be back for a week (or more, if he includes his year end leave blah blah). Well it's not really a bad thing. Staying away from dota will do me good. Oh yea.. Been dreaming about band stuff (dreaming as in, really dreaming meaning the sleeping kind not the daydreaming one but den hm oso got daydream but den the dreaming ones were more significant and im talking about the sleeping dreaming ones ok forget it). Even dreamt about myself tutoring this child the saxophone -.- and he was scribbling stuff on MY scores but being the good natured me i let him off with a short 'u ahh' that bore no hint of irritation nor anger. Must be because of regrets for not taking the sax section properly z feel so guilty. And then i dreamt of xueyang walking about in my primary school and scolding me for walking so slowly. Then i still dare to laugh and look at my handphone forever while he waits at periodic intervals for me to catch up. So paiseh. Oh yea, i found my old disc.. the one in which i stored all my sec 1-2 diary entries, chat logs, dream logs, picture blah. Hehe its great to see all the nicenicenicenice stuff i wrote about band, as well as other notverynice stuff. okk cya
ben stepped on your garbage at
10:10 AM
zz so freaking pissed off
ok this disgusting shit... wa lao we were winning at first... i was bseeker and had quite good items and we had a magnataur with heart and satanic and he too was owning. then ok tables turned on us someone got pumped aegis+divine. but we could still win if we just push finish... zz then the disgusting maggie refuse to push and just went back even tho the rest of us were at the lane already pushing... of course the divine guy was bding the base but we only had one more lane to break and their base crippled le and the mag just left and went back to defend despite me typing furiously for him to join us. then of coures the other team raped us and he just happily duelled with the divine guy and the other team continued to pump and earn and bd more and more until we died horribly.
zz to think i argued so strongly to balance the teamings and play until so late to get this kind of shit. internal game some more... reminds me of the pandabitch... zz but then same age same school same cca... waa they're quite similar leh.
aiyar anyway shall not be too uptight about dota next time... shall just stay silent and follow others... don't care about teamings, don't care about heroeos, don't care about wateva other ethics there are and just play. shall keep my own ideas to myself.
to a different matter, i watched a few happy tree friends episodes!! but then sobz after watching saw 2 they didn't seem very nice after all and it all seemed rather sadistic and scary. mm also played badminton today with 4L ppl and went gym in the evening so yup i'm pretty exhausted and i have flute lesson tmr so i think i overexerted a bit. tmr stil got bmt with my sis for an hour before my flute.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
1:08 AM
ajisen!!!! delicious food...
waa i went ajisen today with my sis for dinner!!! ordered tomato ramen and 4 side dishes and we shared. super duper nice man... ok i know wad next time we must order less le... cannot 1 bowl per person too much already...
anyway i practiced flute today!! got rather pissed cos my fingers refuse to play the notes... zz dono wat happen. got mental block my fingers just cannot do the combination of notes in the score so disgusting. hmm my muscles were aching a bit too cos of the run yesterday lolz as usual... go exercise once muscles ache for the whole day...
tmr got badminton!!! actually wanted to book courts for you guys also but then aiyo... one working on weekdays one working on weekends dono how to book... nvm after benny and calvin stop working then can play. back to dota...
MeL stepped on your garbage at
8:44 PM
torture rack a.k.a. treadmill
ee my gosh my 2.4 deprove so much 14 min now leh!!! even in air con room its 14 min!!! AHHHHHHHHHH zz by NAPFA i'll get it to 10!!! hmm u ppl watch i'll make it to 10+. lolz as long 10 ok lar even if its 10.59.
wee get ready for movie!!!lolz time now is 5.05... probably gonna be late. zz as usual. just finished dota and still listening to music...
MeL stepped on your garbage at
3:36 PM
Hi! have been gone for quite some time. Ok not really gone, but was working. Got a job at a shop in suntec city. Work only on Friday, Sat and Sun. The job i do is really quite simple... dont need to think -- like hanging clothes and stuff. However, the hours are long.. I work from morning 10+ to at night 11+, on Sundays i knock off 1 hr earlier. Thats about 13 hrs a day with 2 1hr breaks in between. And u are almost always standing and walking around.. so imagine what ur legs feel like at the end of the day.. thats if you can still feel them.
But it has been quite fun. I mean, it beats sitting at home on the sofa rotting away in front of the tv. And suntec is quite a cool place, alot of ppl, so as i work, can see different kinda ppl ( referring to chio bus lah duh.) The ppl i work with, are quite funky also.. appears to be the very easy going kinda ppl.. makes the work alot 'funner'.
I have two bosses (shop in charge). One male the other female. They are usually smiling ( i think they are trained that way), so even when they tell u off, they are also smiling. Abit wierd, coz you dont feel very sad when they tell u off lol, but anyway work is to learn, so its all part of the learning process =D
I dont know if i'm gonna work for the whole month ( my parents not very keen on me doing that ) but well, lets just let things take its course.
Today i practically slack my day away.. just slumped in the chair and watch tv the whole day... read abit of harry potter too. Kind of restin at home.. thats all for today.
bkz stepped on your garbage at
12:12 AM
dota forever
yo everyone... my day today comprises of ... ... *drumroll* : DOTA. so amazing right? lolz just dota the whole day... was supposed to practice my flute but i just ignored it. in between games, i read my book and managed to finish Dune: The Butlerian Jihad. such a nice book... first of a trilogy that i'm gonna read yay excited to read the next two. mm nothing to do...waiting for game
MeL stepped on your garbage at
9:30 PM
i'm sleepy and grumpy
hello ppl where are all of u... all slowly fading out of existence arh?? what have you ppl been doing nv even hear from u guys de how to organize anything like this... benny ni zai na li??
just came back from a long day... so i'm quite sleepy and grumpy but think i did some useful stuff... instead of just dotaing the whole day. in the morning went for ms johnson's wedding, then had lunch with ack, ivan and shanghui (e soloist). ate roti prata... cheap and good...
then came home to watch bourne supremacy with my brother... fell asleep half way tho. i found the show rather boring... dono don't really like these kinda shows. tried to sleep after the show again but the freaking wind kept blowing the blinds in my room so light kept streaming in so irritating.
after a while had to get up and go to church cos today is a feast day... some celebration of a grand event. went out with my sis and bro after church to have a delicious dinner at the ship... i ate my usual... garlic king prawns, which consists of 4 huge garlic coated prawns with butter rice. but its like super ex and the 3 of us just spent away 90 bucks in a single dinner. sobz then i was forced to draw money and treat my siblings to dessert at coffee connoiseur -.- which is like 30 bucks for 3 cakes!!
back to the hol, we still have a lot of things we can do... zoo, aeon flux, chicken little... and so many other nice movies coming out this season. are we planning anything special for xmas? are we still going zoo? wat movies are we watching together? do you'll wanna stayover? how come i'm the only one asking questions?
zz shall go sleep.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
11:37 PM
zz ultra pro...
wee went for SE concert last night... usually classical concert i'd fall asleep by around first half de... this one i managed to stay until the last piece!! lolz...
anyway there was a soloist... shanghui (part of the mushroomers de). zz he was so freaking pro lar... none of us knew he was this pro. even got biography on him in the program booklet. he attained LTCL (recital) diploma with distinction this year!!! also got DipAB in 2003 and LRSM dip this year... so super duper pro its like the highest exam of music le...
oh yar forgot to tell u guys i went fish & co for dinner before the concert... was late again as usual and was even later cos i had stomachache in the MRT -.- anyway fish & co food is so delicious. ate sweet and sour dory fish wahaha mega nice but then sobz my money vanish away le...drew 40 bucks and one night mei you le.
after the concert we went for supper... of which my friends paid for me cos i had 2 pathetic dollars left in my wallet. oh yea we also bought flowers!! quite ex ok flowers... but then the florist arranged it rather nicely first time i see ppl choosing and arranging flowers we just gave her a budget of 20 bucks and she help us choose and arrange. we went starbucks and ate some not very nice stuff even tho it was rather ex... then went outside to sit and talk... talk until 12.30. concert ended around 11 i think... so we spent nearly a whole hour talking... lolz talk about all the stuff we did in primary school. so shocked we're slowly forgetting everything le... aiyo so many great memories all just fade away.
then at 12.30 so nice friend's parents came to pick all of us up (all live in the same area mar... kovan... except me but not too far away anyway) and 5 of us squeezed at the back of the car and we went home. wat a well-spent night.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
10:31 AM
Yoyo 大家晚上好!我刚吃了一只死牛,超级难吃,真想把一切都吐出来! But den the banana split i ate after that was so damn delicious. Such a waste to puke everything out. Anyway, the trip to malaysia was boring, yes. I even got into frequent arguments with my parents, often starting with my mum wanting to probe into my thoughts. 'Why look so grumpy???' She kept asking me that. Obviously i felt pissed off thats why look liddat right. Then even when im not my face also liddat what! what she want me to do. Dun even have energy to fake a smile for her, and most definitely not for all the corrupted shameless bastardized taxi drivers WHO TRY TO CHEAT OUR MONEY SO BLATANTLY OMG. WHAT exactly is their problem? Why must they do this kinda thing? Cant they be more honest? No wonder ahem.. ok better not say anymore later i get arrested :<
I learnt some stuff from this trip alright, so it's not a complete waste of time. I found out how crazy and deluded my mum is, and how irritating my dad can be, hence producing a crazydeludedcanbedamnirritating son like me. Everything fits in perfectly now. I can finally understand why i am like this.
Let me tell u some of the nonsense that my mum said during the ride there.
1) Dad said 'See! Big tree!'. I gazed out my window and searched for some gargantuan tree with powerful thick branches. Yes i was bloody stupid. It was actually a name for a place or something. My mummy happily shouted 'Victory!' and stretched her arm forward enthusiastically as though shes a fervent supporter of Mao. -.- bigtree become vicTREE. ooo so clever so proud of her
2) Dad was commenting on how stuff were getting more expensive in malaysia. 'Why u want to help boost malaysia economy???', Mum cried out indignantly. 'Must buy stuff from singapore! boost singapore economy!!!'. Dad said 'OK! Next time dun come here!'. Mum replied hurriedly 'Joking lar! So serious for what.. I talk back for fun only.' :) Cannot come genting to gamble in future of course everything oso become joking.
3) We stared at the indoor rollercoaster in Times Square. Mum remarked 'very scary hor!' I nodded my head lazily. Just then the ride zoomed across above our heads and she went ' wahhhh ahh AHHHHHHHhhhHhHHHhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' damn loudly and super piercing. Everyone turned their heads towards us and i walked away happily pretending not to know her.
:) There's more. Many many more. Dun wanna embarrass her further lar! Wanted to blog about the trip in detail... but the stuff that happened werent exactly exciting. Rather, it was the witness of more cold facts of the world and the emotional and mental growth that really benefited me. Overall, it was a worthwhile trip. Hehe byebye
ben stepped on your garbage at
9:33 PM
Melvyn | Calvin | Benny | Ben Goh
rimb'05, rjcsb'07
flutes & saxes