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aiya anyhow give title lar... its just about these two days.
yoyo everyone... was supposed to blog last night but i fell aslp and so when i woke up in the morning i just switched off my comp and poof one paragraph of post is gone. these two days arh... important days with important events so must blog yes... for my own personal record even if u guys knew how it went already.
yesterday: school was mm unexpected. celebrations so anyhow de... anyone can just go anywhere to do anything. our class sat down in a circle in the parade square and we played games. cherades and stuff yep that was pretty fun... esp lolz when ppl keep coming up with interesting games. 'sha and fan sha' and lolz... so cool de
then i went with ack to go visit the teachers back in RI... we cooperated and brought oranges for each teacher that taught us... and yup went to bai nian to all of em. then zz saw one of e og z'rool and he asked me if i was going for lunch later. my mind, working at its usual fast and amazing manner, immediately concocted such a powerful lie on the spot and i happily spouted, "oh i'm going out with my parents". of course i also happily forgot that i'd be j8 with u guys and most likely to meet them there and zz be in such a difficult situation.
anyway so amazing i didn't run into them at all before the movie. except one of e guys la... but den he also had class outing and didn't go for the og lunch. so i shot back his qn of "why aren't u at og lunch?!" with e exact qn. yay so happy!! -.- wats there to be happy about... so yep I NOT STOOPID TOO. oh my gosh oh my gosh super nice super touching... very very nice. e main reason why must blog about the whole of yesterday. it was so good oh my gosh so touching some more... teared so many times throughout the show... and cried twice at the two family's climatic scene. i tink e show really really rocked... will definitely get the dvd and watch again. btw next time movie marathon, kill bill and underworld's on e list k? underworld's really good... it's like vampire vs werewolves how cool is dat!! and mm prerequisite for underworld: evolution which is coming out soon i think.
ok so yep... not only did i skip og outing, i skipped class outing too!! bleh that concerned me quite a bit and i kept asking myself whether should have gone for class outing instead of organizing movie for f4. but as my bro said, i already went for e movie and bleh can't do anythign abt it... but mm he also warned me not to just stick with e clique and to broaden my social circle. ahh i'll see when e time comes again. besides, e movie was too good...
lemme reflect on e movie. it involved two guys, both of which were really shuai, in normal tech... and about e gap between them and their parents. some things really quite exaggerated... but very touching all e same. and they change from funny scene to touching scene so instantaneously... i tot the funeral picture thingie was so inappropriate. e deathbed scene was one very nice part, e other was e blog scene... and e other was the old woman scene. lolz e old woman is so pro anyway...
after e show went to walk around in marina, bowl a bit and went for aunty anula's bday dinner at banana leaf!! food was ok only i tot... but e rest of my family really likes it and of course aunty anula likes it too. and yep dat was pretty much it for yesterday. bleh cos there's so much to write (a lot of minor details) i think i'm like skimming over a lot of reflections so zz must bear with it ok... dis post is more for myself than for any reader of e blog - it's a form of memory.
and today, i went to watch in her shoes with my dad and sis. lolz we went early to PS to walk around for a while... and my dad did his usual thingie of pretending to be interested in e osim massage chair product. and we all just trooped in, plonked in on one of e chairs and started e massage program. lolz and my dad just conversed with e saleswoman to take up time. lolz so funny... do this kind of stoopid shit. but it was ok only... my dad and sis both say e massage and shenzhen soooo much better. i wanna try but my mum says i'm too young so i never tried... not yet at least.
in her shoes was ok only i tot... my bro said it was super nice. and my sis and dad all liked it... but i think e effect was kind numbed cos i just watched i not stoopid too... which i felt was much more touching and a lot better than in her shoes.
came home then for reunion dinner... which consisted of steam boat plus seoul garden style frying. aunty anula prepared all e raw food and we just cooked it ourselves. soup after dat was super nice... as usual steam boat soup is damn sweet. aunty anula's soup is already so good... then plus steam boat stuff = heaven.
aiya damn tired le so long this post... tedious also zz boring and uninteresting. whole family went out with brilliant to bishan park after dinner and dats it. fullstop.
gong xi fa cai everyone...
MeL stepped on your garbage at
10:19 PM
humans rock
Yo.. whatssup. just got back home from the humanities party. It was so fun loh.. The seniors are all so cool and such fun people. Yea and i realized that my class's really great too. Lazy to blog about what happened but.. to put it simply, we had the party at the clubhouse, went off to holland village, settled at the coffee club and went home. Nice people all.. and i owe the world money. Better dig for $$$ in my brother's... drawer or something. Night..
ben stepped on your garbage at
12:55 AM
so much of the thrill i get in life comes from music. be it singing, playing piano, playing guitar, playing flute, or dancing (we haven't really danced with music tho). and sometimes... when i hear something really nice... i feel like i can almost flow with it... i'll get goosebumps one leh. lolz like when we perform in band (thinks of prometheum) i'll get goosebumps when we reach e climax of e piece that kinda thing. anyway was just practicing guitar and tot i'd blog a bit about things running thru my head right now. listening to the prince of egypt soundtrack... 'deliver us' it's a super good soundtrack... but prob cos it brings back memories of e movie when i heard e song so got stronger impact.
today was a rather fun day i thought. jared came to talk to me while i was in the canteen!! so surprised he seldom talk to me then suddenly come to sit with me in the canteen. lolz i was doing work... had 2.5 hrs break mar so stay in canteen... and i was sitting quite far apart from e class also... then he came and tell me that in canteen cannot sit alone and cannot do work cos very loser. lolz!!! so cool suddenly start talking to me just like that.
suddenly feel so carefree. came home in a great mood... lolz excited about tmr's outing, visit teachers, collect ang pao, gamble. actually aiyo really feel guilty about not going tmr's class outing... but aiya holiday so precious everyone rushing to make best use of it. plus i went to cut my hair... freaking ex 23 bucks... went to a different barber cos e usual one i went was closed and moreover, got cny surcharge. ugh but then arh... got dono some rinsing and head massage and generally quite comfortable hair. lolz uhh all nonsense. filling up e blog with crap posts.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
10:15 PM
sobz damn tired... help got headache!!!
WAAA super mega tired tmr sure muscles ache. dance is already quite demanding... then some more got PE in the afternoon. then cos of PE i had so little life during dance also... and zz screwed up the latin audition (there's latin, hip hop and movie medley).
ok i got a lot of things to say... not really a lot lar but just my usual crap. but then zz can't think properly now... shall take a nap... headache yux.
zz jiu ming arh woke up and my headache was even worse. someone took a hammer and whacked me and i'm reeling from e impact... but then had to force myself out of bed to see my 9 oclock show. 3rd last episode!!!!! oh my gosh la its so nice... yes finally ann kok is exposed. the mother is the most poor thing lar... blow after blow feel so sad... then stoopid jeslin tay also refuse to accept thomas ong -.- feel so sad for thomas ong. see la watch this show everything also sad watch to become sad watch for wad zz... but so super nice lor.
anyway yes got quite a bit of work today... prepare for ki essay tmr plus reading my lit stuff. luckily my headache gradually decrescendoed (lolz wat kind of shit word is dat) until i can work a bit now... if not i was just thinking of going to sleep immediately after the show. oh yes wanted to share a bit about our ki lesson...
we had a discussion about self. btw lemme comment on the teacher. she's like e din of academic studies so lolz yes super big shot and powerful... rather scary also actually but then so far not really any major outburst yet. but then, like most of e philo teachers we've had, she has a really irritating habit of sticking to her own stand and twisting our answers to her stand and adding subtle hints to support or not support some stand that we agree on. i mean... ok definitely ppl sure come up with a stand but if u become so fixed that u refuse to see e light of a more logically sounder argument then bleh... quite crappy arh esp since u're a teacher after all. and they keep telling us about being open-minded.
but sometimes a bit inevitable. we formulate our own theories... things that we feel secure in. and we build a comfort zone around ourselves... and so anything that comes our way we try to twist it so that it fits our theories, instead of using it to formulate our theories. in dat sense, everything suddenly becomes not so clear... cos we're behind a veil of our prejudices everytime we view something. tot of giving u guys an example but then decided against it... i'm sorta against examples in philosophy cos they often reveal only a narrow aspect of the theory, but then of course quite impossible to do without the support of examples.
ANYWAY, we were discussing about the idea of self. things like "wat's self, can a comp get a self, do animals have selves?" stuff like that. ended up with a few interesting qns (at least for me lar)... wat differentiates us from animals? and... if someday there were computers advanced enough to learn and to make logical deductions and attain self-awareness (stuff like terminator... which is extremely good movie series. and dune... lolz very good novel series also), wat differentiates them from us then?
aiyar actually i think u guys won't be interested with this shit so lolz i shall just skip it. but ki's really rather interesting except that there's not really enough time for full scale discussions. oh yes... we had our mock napfa for pe today. so horrible below average for every single event. so embarrassing but then mm i know all these are all just first impressions. i'm not feminine but i'm not manly either (e model guy = tall, dark, handsome, sporty, fit etc). i was always smallest in class so yep learnt to live with these kind of things long time ago. just that for 4 years... it's been a while since first impressions mattered so much. and now everyone's so eager to be part of e trend. just consoling myself that in a few months time, everything will settle, first impressions will be shattered and all that matters will be character and personality.
we have a class outing this fri... couldn't go cos i tot we were celebrating bday with aunty anula (btw it's aunty anula's 10th year anniversary!!! she literally watched me grow up!)... but it turned out we'e going for lunch instead. so yep skipping my class outing. a bit guilty but then... hmm so rare that got hol... and besides, got many more opportunities to get closer to e class (2 years leh) but rare to find common time slots to spend with other ppl. e more i get to know e class tho, e more i like e ppl that are there... really glad that they're gonna be my classmates for 2 years (lolz scully in a few months i'm saying a totally different thing - first impressions.)
is e post like super long? i think it is... shall go off and sleep soon. gotta wake up damn early tmr (5.45) cos my dad playing golf or something. he's back until after chi new year. mm tata everyone... enjoy e rest of e week. there's lit tmr!!
MeL stepped on your garbage at
7:32 PM
chunk of things in my mind
waa i got a lot of things in my mind right now i'm probably going to forget quite a few. ok firstly, CIP.
Volunteer Work at IMH (Woodbridge Hospital)
Student Care Centre
Youth Services
Learning Centre
k go take a look at these 4 websites... i think somehow sure got problems either with time commitment, or they may not even accept us cos they want ppl above 18 that kinda thing... but then there's this girl in my class that has done long term CIP before last year, so i'll try to get more info from her. so in the mean time, pls feedback on these 4 websites... feedback ok!! so rarely u ppl are onlien together and so mah fun to ask each person individually. so just do it on e blog.
for friday, our movie is at 12.30... u guys ok with that? i'm gonna spend e free time going to visit my sec 4 teachers. oh and my bro says in her shoes is really really nice... so lolz when u guys free go watch... i'm watching it with my sis on sat i think. "eh let's watch!!" "set!!" lolz i'm always rather ready to watch a movie.
i'm gonna sacrifice 5 days of dota (including yesterday) to watch finish the 9 o clock show!! so noble of me!! lolz!! but its really very nice leh... and aiya regretted being tempted by dota and not watching e earlier parts of e show. its super funny also... lolz while playing dota i laugh to myself soemtimes cos of my sister's hysterical laughter -.- its like a machine gun. something like it at least. so yes ann kok can really act such a bitch... zz feel like strangling her and slapping her (yi ba zhang!!). i get easily affected by shows i think... but mm all these kind of things are good wad. new experience, new values stuff like that its not just pure entertainment... and i'm not saying this to delude myself ok!!
lit today rocked again... ms ng sang us a ballad!! how cool is that lar!! her voice is quite nice also... lolz e whole class was deadly (maybe wrong adjective) silent while she sang the ballad for us... super mega nice. bleh dreading tmr's PE... it's e morning session for this week. managed to escape so many times of e torture but tmr's is inevitable. resigned to putting my withering muscles to the rack.
so yep its 9!! off to see my show... when u guys read reply on CIP and e movie k?
MeL stepped on your garbage at
8:33 PM
bro's 21st bdae
lol celebrated my bro's 21st bdae at a pub. My family like booked the whole upstairs of the pub for him.. and he invited all his different groups of friends and relatives... The pub is called Penny Black.. the one at clark quay.. It was quite cool lah.. Like theres food, beer and all. Drank a little beer but after that i went away for a while, and they cleared my glass...wanted to ask for more.. but it like reached the max already.. anything after that must pay additional cost. so didnt bother.
My bro was from chior and he invited all the syc ppl, and they sang.. for a moment i didnt believe the music was actually being sung live coz it was super melodious with all the chords and all... my bro also did a duet with this gal who's voice is like those soprano singers u see on television.. out of this world.
I hung around mostly with my relatives, didnt go mingle with his friends.. overall was just sit around and chit chat.. the atmostphere's quite warm.. rustic kinda feeling... I wonder where my 21st bdae will be...
bkz stepped on your garbage at
9:20 PM
Ok there are two things that are crappy...
1. I am sick.. down with sore throat, cough and flu...
2. I stupidly went to read some gals journal across the table, which contained a love note.. So she slammed shut the book and stared at me..
Ok maybe i did no. 2 because of no.1 and not thinking straight... dunno lah.. i think should go apologise to her..
bkz stepped on your garbage at
9:09 PM
World world world..
Yea.. Some people are just that.. No point wondering why they're who they are.. And as jc life has told me, there're simply too many kinds of people around here.. and to avoid unpleasantness, a forced smile devoid of any warmth has to be constantly flashed to everyone out there, regardless of what u think of them. Call it fake whatever.. but that's so necessary for survival. A simple withdrawal, conversation avoidance can lead to so much.. gossip false impressions and misunderstandings. Gets extremely exhausting at times.. but ah well! Amongst the many many acquaintances that you have, some will emerge as true friends whom u can totally rely on and bitch gossip criticise cheer rejoice screw around and have lots and lots of fun together. Hehe..
So well! Today's been quite a great day for me! Despite the fact that i'm the only one dozing off in tutorials and lectures, the classes aren't as bad as i expected them to be. I really like the teachers and the way they teach. They're so much better than Lowhore and CheenaHock. Lit and Geog are simply superb. Very interesting and engaging. Had my odac and interact interviews today.. Hope i didn't fare too badly. Really wanna join both clubs.. gonna be so so so damn happy if i get into both of them. Haha.. See how it goes!!!
And now i've got to do my math tutorial. Yes, tutorial ZERO. Never do it forever den so thick skinned sit at the first row stare straight into the tutor's face. Bloody shameless.. all suang's fault loh forever wanna sit in front. Everyone's table had paper with all the workings scribbled onto them and i have a blank piece of shit. Better do some questions today.. Otherwise tomorrow die liao.
.... Last thing.. Hmm.. feeling rather.. worried about not passing the scholarship interview.. don't even know when issit but im seriously very behind the others in studies.. but i'm gonna try my best anyway.. and it'll have to start with my completion of the tutorial. ok! cya guys!!
ben stepped on your garbage at
7:58 PM
difference in viewpoints...
so... i just happened to read up on this guy's (who belongs to a clique of ppl) blog. and whoa, great diff in viewpoints yea? unabashedly (lolz is there such a word), i can safely say i tot his clique were shallow ppl and mega posers and not really good to mess with...
so after reading his blog i got a huge insight into their lives and my opinion of them has totally changed!!! nonsense. i still think they're shallow, ruthless and shouldn't be messed with. they can be nice? they justify all their wrong-doings with the statement 'i won't allow anyone to insult my friend' bleh defending your friends is an easy part cos going down on enemies is so easy... plus it makes u looks cool!! -.- so after all the suanning, all the noble defending and patriotism to their own clique... do they care about their victim at all?
sometimes... a much more better judge is e way ppl treat enemies, strangers, and juniors rather than how ppl treat seniors and friends. actually arh got a lot mroe to talk about but then my sis asking me to sleep le so better go off first... good night sweet dreams everyone.
*aiyo i editted this post so that its more anonymous... but then somehow ppl will prob figure out who i'm talking about...*
MeL stepped on your garbage at
12:01 AM
readers of our blog!!!
gosh did u guys know that so many ppl read our blog... i just discovered today that glen reads our blog!! but then shouldn't be surprised lar since i am so shamelessly advertising it on my msn nick.
mm have a lit essay to do this weekend... but dat should be about all for hw. yep so i managed to get into dance... and so i have to appeal (talk to both dance and band teachers) for the extra cca... but i'm worried about later. esp next year... like 2 syfs?!! then wad... so i choose either band or dance? i really think i'll like dance... and if i do happen to like dance as much as i think i will, then wat about band? so yes... as much as i have sworn loyalty to band before this and all other nonsense i'm gonna contradict myself and consider quitting band. but after going for band prac today i'm feel so torn again despite coming to a conclusion of quitting band if i happen to really like dance. i mean... the section is just so cool and so fun... and ahh the ppl are really nice. sobz i'm so sorry calvin and benny if i quit band... but ok i'll just see how it goes first... and maybe like after a few months then i'll decide. of course thats if i can even get past the appeal stage.
btw community service!! any one of u guys wanna do? after e student development lesson... of which it seemed that only i was listening -.- i realized that they're making it rather easy for us to do cip... so yep i'm interested in it. lolz lemme give u guys an idea of wat exactly i'm interested in... a commitment of perhaps maybe once a week plus minus to coach/teach/tutor children, or to interact with teens or to talk to old folks and similar unfortunate ppl stuff like that. yea so its not admin, its not fund raising nor is it just lending a hand to e centre to help out in cleaning or along those lines. i'm looking more for interaction... mm i think somehow (esp for young ppl) interaction will make a biggest difference cos they can see how they can become like u and really see u as someone they can follow. of course its not only they learning... but we learning also. aiya dono how to describe it. but then i know that for me, if i wait later into the year, i'll be bogged down with work and too busy to consider this CIP. but if i start now, while i'm still free, i'll be committed and even tho later in the year i'll be busy i've already committed and so i'll continue and still manage to cope. e whole point is starting and putting down e commitment.
so yep pls reply... then if like u guys are interested or something i can do some research... it's really really difficult doing it myself so :) definitely be glad if u guys wanna join. if u don't wanna join pls don't join (seriously) cos end up disillusioning everyone. -.- wanna join join don't wanna join don't join. simple kimple. my CT told us that she never believed in not being able to cope. somehow, i kinda believe in dat so even tho i predict that i'll be really bogged down i think i'll manage somehow... it's just a matter of actually getting down to it... and now that the opportunity has come up, i'm gonna try to take it. i've been thinking and talking empty words about CIP for so long... lemme try to put into action yea? (ok this is gonna sound so stoopid if i end up not doing anything about CIP at all... which is so typical of me. all my grand plans come to nothing -.-)
MeL stepped on your garbage at
6:21 PM
zz ok so irritated with this my post vanished TWICE!!

shall just upload e pic i drew. its an exact copy of a picture... but lolz it's a good copy right? mm i should try something original but i think i'll fail miserably tho.
ok la maybe i write a bit more. lit was super fun today... (see la lost all my inspiration in my last two post now devoid of emotion -.-) instead of a full post shall summarize wat i wanted to write instead. felt my life taking a sudden change in direction after suddenly realizing that i like singing, drawing, signed up for dance auditions, like playing e flute, and think lit and ki are my fav lessons. so its like mm... e stirring of change from a safe and secure road of science to a road less travelled of uh arts? mm dono la (zz i described all this so much more vividly in my last post ugh)
lit rox... our teacher really really rox. she's so super funny me and my fren keep laughing at her accent but then she herself is so cheerful and lively and jittery. she found a few poems really amusing today and burst out laughing which made all of us laugh also... lolz she's really nice e lessons are so interesting cos of her.
so yup cal when u read this... if i don't notice u online tell me your timetable k? wanna know your break and ending time for each day.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
7:38 PM
zz my sis is so irritating
just got scolded again for playing games. don't enjoy now then enjoy when. not as if i dono how to manage my time. keep threatening to tell my dad and ask my dad take e comp out of my room deliver childish ultimatums like dat whine and bitch until like dat. disgusting. i would like to remind her about my results... but she'd probably just call me arrogant as she did with me when i refused to buy chocolate for her and argued with her about it. ugh.
bet if she read this she'll just flare up or something and say i'm rude maybe even complain to my dad or mum... but zz i'll take dat chance. at least she'll know how i feel. thats the problem with teens and maturity. they're not adult yet but ppl scold them for being childish when they watch cartoons and stuff... they're not children but ppl try to control their lives and think they don't know what they're doing. its no wonder teenagers have a whole set of problems to themselves.
bleh repercussions... wonder wat this post will cost if my sis reads it. think she reads my blog. anyway lets talk about school. had my dance audition today... think dance is really fun but really tiring too. maybe its just cos we had a run today (small 1.6 km run) but being e unfit person that i am, i was still tired out. e dance involved a lot of jumping and really a lot of practice so yep really quite tiring... i think i stand a good chance of getting in (feel so shameless saying this scully don't get in then so embarrassing) i hope. so yep quite tired out now... luckily there's not much hw to do.
zz still thinking of e stoopid incident. nvm better tink now and record my thots cos later arh my anger gone then i'll just happily forget everything. whenever i quarrel with my sis and bro, they'll all seek to hurt and spite (who doesn't in a quarrel) and one of e things they always turn to is e fact i'm from raffles. then they'll say something along e lines of "so u're from raffles tink u're so smart la!! damn rude tink u're damn clever" and stuff like dat. so freaking disgusting right?? such a low down and cheap thing to say just for spite.
aiya nvm shall sleep early, cos i'm tired. nothing much to do if i can't play games anyway. i wonder wat really makes me not want to make my sis pissed. e moment she raises her voice something just snaps... maybe it's habit (lolz must tell u guys how i was tortured when i was younger). so somehow i end up listening to her... and feeling really guilty if i don't. for my bro i'm quite ready to disagree with him... good and bad for dat also i strange huh one elder bro one elder sis but two different connections. so quarrels with my bro are usually more frequent but more light... while with my sis is really quite rare but e quarrels run deep... memorable ones. i had a 2-week cold war with my sis once...
sigh well tink i've said enough... so much which ought not to be said i probably spilled out but it's for e best? lolz even if it isn't just letting u guys know, plus i'm recording my feeling and thots. oh well.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
9:19 PM
!!! gasp!!!
Yo. Yes i did not go to school today. had a terrible tummy upset and ended up sleeping forever. just woke up. And strangely, i'm feeling worried about what i'm missing out in the lectures/tutorials.. bahh all four subs today. So gonna die for geog. But i'm going to school later for odac and the interact interview =D yay! So see classmates = die a horrible death. oh but see teacher never mind lar.. they dont even recognize me. So its hmm... ok. But my whole day's just wasted away like that. 4 hours of lessons. poof. and i know nuts about any of them. SCREWED
ben stepped on your garbage at
11:27 AM
Hey cool!!! Haha so glad that u like lit too! And guess what, ms ng's my gp teacher lol. She looks so nervous! Lol.. but yep she's so nice loh! I'm doing great expectations and that anthony and cleopatra or something shakespeare book for lit. Watched the great expectations movie before so i'm really happy to do it as my text text cos it's very nice marr. Pride and prejudice z.. i kept asking wy and tong to watch with me both forever dont want. Now it's like.. almost not screening already right? bahhh if u wanna watch tell me okkk =D.
Just got home.. waited with tong for wy to finish his sailing training. Oh yea, tong and i passed the cybergaming trials. wy and yz should've passed too loh.. it's like they're so much more superior than so many of the people there but don't know why they didn't get in. Better appeal for them next week. And there's the interact interview that i've got tomorrow. Ouch.. hope it won't be too tough.. since i genuinely wanna join it to help people and not like some spastic shits who only want to make their.. portfolio or resumes whatsoever look nicer. Shameless sluts. hope the interviewers see through them.. and chide them for being so shitty.
OK! Go do other stuff liao. ciao!
ben stepped on your garbage at
9:18 PM
mega drained...
waa finished at 5 today. had my first lit lesson. luckily PE today was indoors and it wasn't some 8-round run or wateva if not i would have just ko-ed for my lit lesson. anyway my lit teacher is ms ng e-ching... she's from china if i'm not wrong has an accent but her english is mega pro... wth her vocab stuns all of us. ever heard of e word 'mordant'? wth is that?!! she's damn pro. besides, she's rather funny and cool too... she understands ppl sleep in class and won't get angry. she allows eating in class. plus she admits she probably won't catch ppl who sms in class cos she's unobservant. she writes competition-standard chinese calligraphy plus she has a parrot named 'koro'... which apparently is a disease that older men get that makes something smaller. -.- quote from her handout:"Hell knows no fury like a teacher whose lesson has been scorned. A white slip and much wrath will descend upon the absconder with lightning speed." bleh lit teacher indeed.
first lesson. we got a diagnostic essay, an ongoing poetry portfolio, literary vocab notebook, and a chunk of info on our scheme of work this year: othello, pride & prejudice and poetry. it seems really fun but really heavy too... but yea definitely e most interesting subject i've had so far... along with KI. gosh so my two fav subjects are lit and KI, if i discount e apprehension of e immense workload coming along with it. wat kind of career do u tink i'll take up if my fav subjects are lit and ki? philosopher!!! waaa i come up with a new kind of governmental policy (solomon really did this for his philo essay u know... he dubbed his new theory Solomonism. something which involved him being king or something those lines. rather convincing argument...) and rule alongside with Brilliant and Genius. LOLZ wat am i talking about... spouting nonsense.
but seriously... dono if i'll be able to cope with so much work from lit. and all my lit lessons are at 4... which make my tues and thurs end at 5 which really sucks. but somehow if i get thru all this... i'll probably be the proudest of my work in lit and ki. things that i'll wanna keep will be stuff that i did in these two subjects... ahh determination!!
bleh ben goh i'm so relieved that at least u think along e same lines as me... even tho my imagination is so much more incredible. u dream of being an actor in a show... i imagine being a character in a fantasy novel. with magic to command!! dragons to ride!! swords to fight, creatures to talk to... wat others are there. shallow? definitely not. (maybe i'm disagreeing only cos i feel this way also but i'll argue from a logical point of view ok?) to be so practical, mature and so grownup (especially if its for image alone), to give up childhood joy and thrill from imagination and fantasy, to shun the flutterings of exhilaration when we see something so beautiful yet so impossible... now dats shallow. our imagination is e limit yea? practicality's e one holding us back from utopia.
anyway to more concrete stuff... i was so tired today. and so thankful for the ppl who just were there. to talk to me, eat with me, walk with me to the bus stop... when i ate with someone, e time just seemed to pass and i was refreshed. when i walked e dreaded long walk in e drizzle to e bus stop opposite j8 with someone, it suddenly seemed much nearer and more manageable. suddenly, when i was so tired out by e day, e small nice things that ppl do become so much more obvious and i really appreciate e little things so much more.
in conclusion, 7 hours of lesson = headache. lolz expect to hear this kind of bitching every tuesday.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
7:25 PM
illusionment.. condoned
Yo.. Just got home! Caught Family Stone with tong and wy at cathay. It's a really nice flick ... yes i just totally indulge and enjoy such love flicks with unrealistic romances that always without fail conclude with a happy ending. It's really nice to have a bit of fantasy and fiction in our .. troubled busy world of work and more work. One of the greatest dreams that i always have.. is to lead a life like those shown in the movies. All the excitement.. adventure.. fun.. sadness.. joy.. that constantly one's life so interesting and meaningful. Honestly, i feel very sad whenever i think about my life right now, though it is getting more exciting. Guess it's because i lack the security of knowing that everything will end as perfectly as it has been planned. The happy-ever-after element. Haha.. getting all bluezy suddenly.
Well well.. Am i the only one who wishes to lead the life of an actor in those films? Seems highly shallow of a literature student that i am to indulge in such utopian fictitious world of fleeting clouds.. but still.. who can resist such precious beauty? The main actor of my movie.. a brilliantly captured.. film of my life. Of joy. and of course, love.
ben stepped on your garbage at
10:58 PM
GP class
First of all i must say: MY TIMETABLE ROXXOR! Seriously this is the overview of the daily time at which i am dismissed from school.
Mon: 2pm
Tues: 3 30pm
Wed: 1pm
Thur: 12pm
Nice rite!? I think it is pretty balanced.
Now to get to the main topic: today we had gp for 1 and 1/2 hrs in the morning first period. And the teacher is a relief teacher who is super anyhow. He did not teach at all, spent the whole morning playing ice breakers.. lol there was this ice breaker where we had to sit in a circle and talk about our dreams and aspirations. And i sat next to jeff. When it reached our turn, jeff said " we have a common dream" (the teacher went "u both gay ah?") Then i followed on and said " we want world peace" :D corny rite hahahaha....
Then i ate in class in front of his face though i tried to be a little discreet and he didn't say a thing. (Abusing his kindness) He was from chior and tends abit to the u- know kind of ppl.. but pretty funny... not one of the boring lecturers ... overall the lesson was quite fun lah..hahahaha...
bkz stepped on your garbage at
9:42 PM
oh my gosh tmr sux... dreading tmr. ugh.
wth la... i have 7 periods tmr!!! -.- 7 hours. two lectures 4 tutorials and PE. zz wat a tiring day ahead. zz why is my lit lesson always at the 4 o'clock slot. dat sux man. totally. and my PE is at 2! wth wat they want us to do?! starve, faint and die arh. baakas all of em. rather sick timetable man...
lolz bitch forever. finished at 11 today but waited for e class until 12 for lunch, then waited some more for ivan (lolz ben goh he's e one who always go and say hi to u for no reason at all -.-) to go home with me. bleh he said 1.30 but he finished at 2 so i was getting a little irritated already but i tink e wait more than paid off. so nice to just go home together and update each other on our lives.
anyway there's this quote i read somewhere... "i got a better bargain, because i merely lost someone who doesn't like me, but he lost someone who does like him." this is in response to uh... aiya nvm. just tot i'd reflect on it... i tot it was a true statement... but then doesn't it mean that he'd feel nothing but u'd feel e pain of loss? in a sense he lost nothing...he just never gained anything while u suffered a wound... an emptiness u're painfully aware of. dat line of thought is merely a way to mask and dim e pain. delusional. then again if an empiness can't be filled up... wat better way to cope with it than to hide it.
lolz i can imagine ppl who read this will be thinking it will be so out of e blue... while those that know where e quote came from will think that this reasoning is so harsh. sometimes i really wonder what it would be like to be simple. ignorant. bliss? yea probably. even perhaps have something close to blind faith. and lose e insight? e thinking? e questioning and e answers that come? definitely not. as radical as all e questions might be... as often as i myself am shaken by e things i ask and e answers i get, e understanding that comes really helps to make me appreciate things so much more.
my bro said (i always talk about all these kinda theory stuff with him) that ppl like me and him who indulge in all this 'philosophy' and 'theori-zing' merely do it for e matter of intellectual pride. but den if u know that it is for pride... den won't u take steps to ensure dat its for something more? for making life better? happier? more at-peace?
question yea. so many of em. scared of e answers sometimes.(lolz so cool talking everything fullstop!!! ivan said my post was so recognizable cos of all the "..." i used. lolz that one really habit le)
MeL stepped on your garbage at
6:04 PM
Hey.. sorry bout the attendance on sat.. hope that things will turn out better after this.. Now's probably not the time for me to talk about what we did in the odac orientation. But yea.. there's the camp next weekend that i'm kinda looking forward to. Hm all the best.. you guys can make it
Back from jogging! Shall continue this entry. Lol.. went to Serangoon Stadium to jog with ben ho and bp this morning. After that we went to macdonalds to slack. Felt really great just.. sitting down and talking. Hmm.. my og outing's cancelled. Feeling pretty sad about it.. considering how much i was looking forward to it. Well.. many ppl couldn't make it hm.. but i feel that we could've just gone along with it.. so some can come this week and others another time but.. i guess that beats the purpose of bonding further as an og right? lol.. so difficult to accomodate with everyone's busy schedules.
Ah suang just scared me with the math tutorial and geog stuff blah. shall read them later.. ciao
ben stepped on your garbage at
9:39 AM
started out with band prac yesterday... that was pretty much boring. the songs really sux -.- how come oura gotta choose all the weird weird song one as if we're so mature and so into music and can appreciate modern music. well for his info we can't... zz we should just play our nice songs like evergreen and can't take and nonsensical but very nice laymen songs. all e new songs arh weird tempo and weird key and bleh so lousy.
went out for section lunch after that... that was quite fun. went with the clars... got 4 girls arh... all j2s. they form 1 whole group by themselves. and they're damn loud... while we were talking to j8, they were talking and laughing and screaming in public -.- scary sia. apparently i looked like one of their brother (who's sec 1 incidentally) and so they directed their jokes and games towards me... some sort of fortune telling or wad no idea what they doing also.
went to macs to eat and i tried the rice burger for e first time... i think it's quite sucky. i prefer bread to the rice itself altho the filling is quite nice. oh and the girls... gosh picture how glen and jared gossip. the girls are wad... 10 times worse or something. when we were having lunch, they were matchmaking... "wa see this and that very pei hor!!!" "..."
after dat i went to watch movie with my og... quite a pathetic outing cos a lot of ppl couldn't make it. total of 8 out of 21 of our og went for e movie... so yep thats quite sad. we watched memoirs of a geisha... i didn't particular enjoy it... but yea can appreciate it i guess. it was an art film i think... kill-bill genre of shows... e intricate politics and stuff like dat.
then went for bmt... rather tiring but quite fun. so long nv play le... sobz lost every single game i played tho. but then ok la... at least it was fun. left half an hour early to go dinner then meet up with my sis. went to her friend's house to play mahjong. they played no money... but got use chips la. no joker also... and lolz no limit on tai... if they played money i would probably have won money again... won i 6-tai game and a 4-tai game even tho we just played until nan-feng. but their rules a bit diff la... i think every mahjong session gotta standardize the rules again one. like they have things like... if never peng or chi anything, thats one tai also. then if u get 7 pairs (qi dui hu)... thats 7 tai... but not easy to get cos everything must zi mo yourself. as i said, we stopped at nan feng and then went to eat roti prata for supper. and stayed over at her fren's house... then went back home feeling tired (and a bit sick i think)
so yep must rush off to church now. seeya guys... haven't done a single piece of work. ugh.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
8:21 AM
RJCSB --The beginning of the end?
Do u think rjc band will survive?
Today only 6 ppl from ri and a couple of gals from rgs turned up. The rest of the j1s (not more than 10?) comprised of ppl from other schools, mainly dunman high, catholic high and river valley. With the numbers dwindling, do u think rjc band can be sustained? Seems like although many ppl joined band, they have other CCA commitments as well. Perhaps in a couple of weeks, more ppl will fall back to band.. perhaps not.. perhaps more ppl will leave band...Guess we will just have to wait to find out...
bkz stepped on your garbage at
10:58 PM
Enthu Class
Hi! our blog looks ... really distracting... lol.. anyway my class is super enthu.. the gals at least... They organise everything.. better than the civics tutor.. but feel abit chang kui, coz when they were trying to elect the reps.. i was involved in my own conversations and all and then somehow i got asked to become the pw rep.. then i shook my head (means dont want) but then they ask again and i replied "anything lor" then they said "thank u.." like quite mian qiang lol ...
Nevertheless, they are pro lol... my og now only meet up in the morning after that all dieded... but my class meets after lectures for brunch... and they gonna meet next thursday after school to go for outing Lol! pro.. seriously..
bkz stepped on your garbage at
10:20 PM
details details galore...
waa gosh our blog looks like some porn website -.- lolz but anyway cal thats a real interesting post...
bleh i'm sure this goes the same for all of ya... but next week is really packed. looks like jc life is really starting to normal up yea? my timetable is like so messy with lines and all dat extending until 4+ everyday. time is of the essence... btw i had my first ki lecture... it sounds really interesting... e more i hear about it e more interested i am but the harder it seems. bleh like a meat hook... keep drawing u in and if u don't keep up, it's gonna hurt like hell.
i went to visit RI band today. went back to see the flutes...was supposed to teach eric actually but then there's this new piano player who just joined band and he took over so i went to play my own stuff. quite a few of the sec 3s went for OBS so yep i was waiting for andrew to go dinner with e section but he was tired and didn't wanna go home that late (or something like that i think). so instead of dinner, i went for lunch (at around 3 or 4) with them instead. i had first lunch at around 11 with my class. but it takes 2 hours to digest food :) so i had ban mian with david and andrew... lolz feel so piggish. anyway i offered to help them carry their obs stuff!! so nice of me for a change right?? lolz usually i'm e one asking ppl to help me carry my stuff... but aiyar they dowan so ok lor too bad for them refuse my so-rare helpfulness. oh anyway i owe the RDs a treat... plus have to go out with the section (eh cal u too arh) for dinner... this one no treat hor!!
so yep caught up with andrew and david... two favourite juniors :) we had lunch and talked quite a bit about school and band life and then went back home. apparently their whole obs was raining... and their tents collapsed. lolz so funny... and then got bugs!!! yuck huge grasshoppers they were describing to me making me get goosebumps. wa lao if i see those kind of bugs i'll just stand up e whole night in e rain ok.
anyway everyone says there's hw to do... but i don't feel like doing anything!! i dont' really see anything to do anyway -.- i bet i'm just gonna end up discovering that i still have so much to do and rush everything so typical of me. how come everyone's so zhao ji... making me so nervous. tmr's quite a packed day... got band prac in the morning, then og outing (unconfirmed), then maybe badminton (unconfirmed also) and maybe mahjong (ALSO unconfirmed) with my sis and friends. so if everything gets confirmed, it'll be really packed...
helllp super full... still got dinner to eat. how??? aunty anula cooked fish soup and rice cos i have sore throat... but i'm mega full (ban mian does this kind of disgusting thing to ppl).
MeL stepped on your garbage at
7:24 PM
Hey. Dropping by to blog before i sleep.. Lol actually also dun have much to say.. aiya nothing to say :< bye might as well not post but aiya publish loh
ben stepped on your garbage at
10:58 PM
so touched
hello everyone actually was thinking i was kinda blogging too much and over-flooding e blog with my posts but sobz so touched by these few posts. so glad to hear that we all treasure e friendship... i mean all ppl do when things are at its peak... but the saddest thing is to see a great friendship just disintegrate just because everyone is separated by barriers and just slowly drift out of each other's lives. so no argument, no quarrel... nothing... just slowly drift away and all we have left are memories.
but this is different yea? you guys made a promise... and each time we try to meet up... we'll will remember that promise we made to keep this friendship going... and of course e blog to keep all of us updated with each other's lives yea? such an impt tool... and now even more impt cos of even less chance to meet up... so yep i'll be holding all of u to your word arh!!! don't drift...
anyway someone told me "ure my favourite teammate"... lolz so honored to be someone's fav teammate. he's like "just realised that having u in team is so good"... woot he rox right? lolz my regular dota-host. learnt a lot of game ethics from him...
on friday, going back to ri... shall try to help chester with eric... he's having trouble apparently. but then bleh doubt i'll be of much help... was never much good at teaching. still... it'd be great to see all e juniors again... and see how band's going on... esp david and matthew and andrew... 3 of them arh... never failed to wish me everything (xmas and new year)... so thoughtful.
so bg and cal... your this year bday we get you'll voodoo dolls lar huh -.- can go torture them. go do what u two do best to soft toys: destroy. lolz pity we din't get videos of your wu ma fen si-ing the poor bear. *lolz laughing to myself now...*
my class is real nice... don't really know the ppl there. there's 1 girl from my og, 2 from rosyth (dono them well tho) and shaun. thats pretty much it... but the class seems really jovial and fun so yep looking forward to a 2 years with them. og hai yong shuo mar... obviously they rock also... always hanging out together whenever we're free...
but one thing i really learnt in sec 3-4... a friendship can sometimes peak so fast that we're suddenly so caught up with a new relationship... and wanna spend all our time with our new friends... and neglect the old ones, when its actually the old ones... friends that we've shared so much memories with that is so impt. lolz this is not really on-topic but it just popped to mind...
so yup u go guys!! rock on :) better publish got lightning later power trip my whole post gone -.-
MeL stepped on your garbage at
9:36 PM
Yep! Definitely! It's like.. duh! The fact that we have this blog is already a testimony to a friendship that goes beyond bandmates. Let's keep doing the stuff that we usually do AND continue trying out new stuffs lol that we learn as we move along with the flow of jc life! Heh..
Thought that i should just update you guys on my lectures class people blah. Yea i've been granted the humanities scholarship. Well not exactly, considering that there's still the interview but many people say that it's quite a breeze so lol.. whee! I don't regret picking the subjects that i'm having now! The lit teachers are simply great. They seem to bring us into this.. enchanted world of english stories people places words that i have always sought for in literature. I'm very glad to feel that i havent made a single bad major decision in my life so far. Literature will probably stay a passion for me for a long long time. As for geography, even though suang and i are the only ones who did not take geog in upper sec in A13A, the teachers seem really nice and i really like the CL8 where our lectures are held. It most certainly feels like a class, for it only consists of 15 people. Yea.. very nice atmosphere there, despite me feeling like a complete stranger to geography. But of course, the reason i picked it is because i love it so.. i'll get by.. Economics.. cough choke vomit ... I don't exactly like it but ahem no choice. Math? Compared to Lit, it's like being dragged into an abyss of hellfire. I just can't stand numbers.. and the first lecture felt like some.. calculator marketting event. Bah boring absolutely.
So... lol.. till next time
ben stepped on your garbage at
8:46 PM
Lol! I can hear your soprano voices resonating in my mind.. so damn funny. Haha hmm yea guess i won't be joining band. Sorry k? I've been pondering over this for like.. the past month and all. Yea blogged about it frequently in b3.. not because i don't trust u all or anything! But cos it's like, too intricately linked to you guys and it just felt extremely awkward for me to type everything here. But most definitely, i owe an explanation to all you guys. It's not a rash decision or anything.. Please try to understand.. You guys are truly some of the best people i've met in my life thus far. And it's been really really REALLY fun playing mahjong movie marathoning staying over plus band practices sectionals slacking running about in band room throwing destroying stuffed toys inscribing our names shamelessly on band room walls scattering clarinet pig beads around the world blah blah EVERYTHING. It'll be so difficult to part with all this.
Yet we're already in jc. I've always wanted to try new stuff and all, but never got around to start. Lack of will, determination... energy.. This is like, something that i've really thought about for the past month. Band rocks yea.. but if i join, it'll be for you guys, definitely. And this seems quite selfish but sigh.. hope you guys will respect my decision :< .. and understand that it's not a simple 'im tired of band, and hence im gonna abandon it for other stuff'. It goes beyond that.. Many experiences.. time spent thinking through.. I will MISS everyone.. MISS the concerts.. MISS the syf.. MISS the fooling around.. MISS the feeling of playing as a united band creating beautiful music together with oura and MISS all the times that we're gonna spend as a band. It kinda hurts yea.. Sigh.. but i've made my choice.. Luv ya'll. Don't worry i will go for all ur concerts~~~~~ lol.. yea.. cya
ben stepped on your garbage at
6:21 PM
waiting for pizza
woo at home waiting for pizza... supposed to go ajisen actually. then can show my og to my sis!! cos they were going for dinner also but then sis already msg me so go with sis lor. but then my sis decided on pizza so home i go... anyway gotta practice my flute so yea come home... i was rather tired also la. lolz 'la' reminds me of someone's blog... his blog post is just littered with 'lah's.
anyway yup i'm starving... i signed up for band and dance. dance is also performing arts so sure clash with band one... but then sigh it was too good an opportunity to pass up sia... so yep going for the auditions. and if i get in, then i'll worry about how to cope. i can't quit band... not with all e ppl... feel like i'm betraying them or something... besides i have my own flute le kinda waste not to play it. and i really like flute also. *btw i'm not trying to convince u ppl to join band ok?* lolz 你们这些没良心的人!! no qualms about quitting band at all. aiya but then if u don't like band arh... it'll just be another two years of torture for you guys la so if i were in the same boat i'd definitely quit also. too bad i like flute :)
bleh so many things i wanna do... but no time... and i bet time's just gonna get lesser and lesser. play mahjong, movie marathon, practice flute, read book, draw, go out with og, filing, exercise (this one arh... not really want to do la), learn dancing, learn surfing, etc too many things to think about. WAH!!
starving... where's my pizza. stoopid pizza man... addressed me as ma'am again. i sound like a girl meh? i used to... now i don't ok!! i used to sing same pitch as my sister... lolz then we duet arh so powerful like 1 unified voice but then now voice break le so cannot. anyway shall go down stairs with my 50 buck note to wait for the pizza man to arrive and feast. wahahaha... good food!
MeL stepped on your garbage at
5:29 PM
just after school started, we're blessed with a holiday!! so how did i spend the day? shopping -.-
i was supposed to go for a picnic with my family but the weather ugh... rain. rain's great i generally like rain it's cooling and all that but not good for today. so instead, we went for new year shopping. already bought my stuff actually so i was a bit reluctant to go but since it was meant to be a family thing i tagged along... even tho i knew i would be damn bored. brought along my book and just read it whenever they went into a shop to get shop for stuff. my sis got really irritated (she doesn't like to be seen with a nerd and walking around with a book and reading in shops constitutes nerdiness) but after a while my bro joined me in reading :) and so she couldn't say as much. obviously she's more hesitant about saying my bro than me. lolz one of our church frens saw us tho... me and my bro reading at the entrance of the shop together while my sis and mum were shopping... think it must have been a real comical sight.
anyway we had great food. went to ding tai feng for lunch... their fried rice is super duper good... its not too dry and there's egg and prawns and yup super nice. we had xiao long bao also... the mini bao with soup inside. soup's very nice also but then there's so little of it... after lunch and shopping again, we went to bakerzin for tea or something... then we had mega ex desert... some high quality cakes which costed 70+ altogether -.-
my og had outing today also actually... bowling from 1-3. i skipped it (actually would have rather gone for the og outing than shopping but then my bro sure make noise one cos he already said beforehand that we were supposed spend today as a family).
anyway i must call up my flute teacher... but sobz havent' practice a single thing yet and he gave me so much to practice... si le. how how how die la must practice... hot chick's playing now... quite funny la but then white chick is much much much better... white chick is super freaking funny... mm should ask my dad get the dvd. we still haven't watch our kill bill 2 hor... aiyo my bro keeps forgetting to ask his friend back for the dvd ugh...
play mahjong!!! wa yao da ma jiang... hello ppl do you'll wanna play on friday?? *feel like watching white chicks again... oh and mean girls. can go borrow le. nc 16 only right?*
MeL stepped on your garbage at
6:39 PM
so free to blog
yay so happy blogging again!!! lolz no dota and no work = a lot more time for blogging. anyway i just watched finish troy... really great show the fight between hector and achilles is mega cool. lolz esp achilles' jump move... damn damn cool. bleh but then sad everyone just dies... e stoopid king of troy arh... always never listen to his sons and listen to his brainless apollo priest who anyhow spout nonsense. no wonder lose lar... e son ask him to burn the trojan horse he go bring it inside the city -.- huo gai arh!! no la not huo gai felt so sad for him when he's precious apollo temple got destroyed and he was so devastated.
suddenly i'm so self concious of my blogging... last time it was just u guys... as in i always knew there were other readers but i didn't really care... but now got so many ppl reading the blog and commenting on it that i'm finding myself writing what i want to be portrayed as instead of what i really am. then again, i realized it so like i'm trying to be myself and still conscious and bleh generally a big confusion in what i'm blogging about.
i changed my desktop bg from a picture of advent children to a picture of myself in my o'nite costume. lolz when my sister saw it she was like 'zi lian'. bleh not e first time i put a picture of myself on my comp anyway. narcissistic. mm when my bro first said the term narcissist i tot it was like a sea creature or something...
so yup generally excited to see my og tmr again altho i bet i'll prob just hang around and not really talk to anyone at all. forgot wat periods i have tmr also... so dono if i have like free time or something... and wat i'm gonna do if i have free time...
mm got dota!
MeL stepped on your garbage at
9:20 PM
good morning everyone... bleh tired. anyway ben goh and benny... u guys should let your og know how u feel. mm ok so easier said than done guess we're all like stumbling across same barrier eh??
went out with my family last night to eat roti prata and jalan kayu for supper... so late already like 11+ and lolz i was falling asleep at the table. my bro came back and took leave until tues or something i think... so tues we also going out for picnic! mm our ogls said something about og outing on tues tho... bleh guess i'll have to miss it if there is...
suddenly lost the urge for dota... still play a bit here and there of course but then its not as addictive as it once was... maybe i'm just getting bored or maybe... something else? lolz i'm hungering for mahjong!! da ma jiang... maybe next weekend? u guys free? wanna play??
when's band starting arh... waiting for band to start but then also a bit apprehensive cos of the amount of time have to be spent... photos photos! put photos of your og... i'll be getting a disc on monday of pics from one of my og-mates so shall upload on monday... i think.
blog-surfing... finding ppl's blogs and read... very insightful for ppl u hardly know. and so many things just come to mind... as i read their posts... get reminded of tioman, of christmas, dreams, and stuff... just remembered that i have to start another dream diary and normal diary again... checked my dream diary to see when my last recorded dream was... and guess wat... my last 2 dreams were both about chi o levels!! see such a devastating impact chi left on me... continue to torment me in my dreams ugh. lolz did i tell u guys before... i dreamt i was an assasin in diablo 2 and assasin has this move called dragon flight (its a move that teleport u to the enemy and kick the enemy - powerful move) and when i tried to use the move it failed. LOLZ. can't imagine wat it would have been like if the move worked tho... anyway somehow the dream involved benny's blood and i made a square incision on his arm or something to get his blood -.- ok memories of saw 2 are flooding back now. *gasp* my dream diary is only 4 pages wat a pathetic diary... shall put in more effort to remember my dreams. as for normal diary arh... half of the whole thing is taken up by blog posts...
ok e last paragraph was so disorganized. but dats how it is when u see so many different things (i was reading blogs... sort of) and so many things just popped into mind. ok hungry gonna eat breakfast.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
9:15 AM
Yea orientation is over, i havent really participated actively in my OG either. I share the same sentiments as ben somewhat. Not use to the environment? dunno. Just didn't bother to talk, but i did do the games and cheers and stuff. Feel abit distanced overall now looking back... Hope the next 2 years will be better :D
bkz stepped on your garbage at
9:01 PM
Too early to part, too late for regrets
Yo guys. Orientation ended as quickly as it came. Honestly, there're plenty of regrets for not participating actively in conversations and decisions. However, it has truly been a wonderful experience. Ch'ndian is a very great OG. The people there are simply so cool and special. It has been a great honour to have been part of it. Our cheers.. Boleh boleh, Survivor, Oh ah ah ah, Ch'ndians hot!.. plus Pachara's powerful twinkle twinkle little stars kungfu rendition.. it'll be very difficult to forget them. Yea.. I must admit that i haven't been exactly very sociable within the group. It just isn't my nature to.. open up amongst so many people. It just feels so strange to do so.. as though i'm simply grabbing a few strangers on orchard and spewing nonsense out of my mouth. But the other people within the OG made Ch'ndian so special. It's quite sad to have not been a very important figure in it, but through their actions and conversations, i discovered how cool these people are. Ch'ndian's soso hot. On the last night of the orientation, I just felt very sad.. especially after seeing Min Xun cry. Regrets for being such an antisocial freak.. regrets for keeping to myself... and the regrets for having to part ways with fellow ch'ndians before i had given them a chance to really know me.
Regardless of all this this, i wish them all the best. They're so gonna rock the school community this 2 years. Ch'ndians rock!
ben stepped on your garbage at
1:06 PM
dono wat i'm talking about... ranting and raving
i just watched finished aliens!! (alien part-2) then later maybe tmr or something gonna watch troy. thats the way whenever my bro's back. he'll definitely go borrow dvds and we'll just watch it together.
then i came up, switched on the comp and went to f4. and re-read my posts and just realized how many errors (spelling and grammar) i made and how incoherent i sounded. zz just anyhow shoot and everything comes out in one big mess. tot of taking some posts down but aiya this kind of thing shows my train of thought. lolz wateva la... lazy to take it down :)
our batch song keeps resounding in my head... and i keep singing it to myself. mm its a really nice song ain't it? pity we don't have the soundtrack or something like that... we didn't even sing it in o'nite. not officially at least.
anyway hope to practice my flute and sort out my scores by this weekend... haven't go my file yet for school also. and maybe still gotta go kovan to get my books. hmm generally quite a busy weekend... and gonna embark on another drawing project!!! lolz try to draw a person! exciting... sobz my last person (the disgusting cloud) was so sickly and revolting ugh can't stand it... nvm shall try again!
MeL stepped on your garbage at
11:33 AM
wa today was tiring... how come arh... not say we exert a lot also. but during storyline so many ppl fell asleep after the outing. bleh i'm so tired writing this also...
but got things to write about :) guess wat!!!! my ct is my p4 english teacher!!! couldn't believe my eyes and was hesititating to confirm until she recognized one of the girls in class as a student she taught in rosyth before... gosh wat a coincidence... small world...wateva u wanna call it.
the outing today was fraught with rain... so couldn't carry out many of our stations. we played cherades instead which was generally quite fun... and funny also. -.- ok nvm stem from e same word wat am i talking about. aiya keep it brief not the outing wasn't too eventful i guess. night time was much more fun...
we played a bit of truth or dare... timo kept getting hit dono why. his last hit tho... i gave him a nasty truth question (lolz must remember this truth question very good!!! but then bleh very sensitive so i was thinking all along whether should ask or not... but in the end the rest of the og managed to twist it so that the question was quite ok) my question was... "among all the girls in our og... shoot one, sleep with one, and marry one" *shoot, shag, marry* question. killer. anyway it ended up with choosing the seniors that we knew... instead of choosing girls in the og... much better this way i guess. we had dinner and then we played some mind games (e.g. how many sheep jump over the wall... those kind of disgustingly-irritating-if-u-dono-e-answer questions) ened around 10 i think.
yup so i'm still really uncomfortable with the group... generally take a long time before i open up i guess... but i mean like... everyone there is so familiar with each other and they have their own group and i'm alone!!! ok maybe i'm just antisocial too. but as i said... they're nice ppl and pity we're probably gonna forget each other after orientation... no time to develop e friendships. of course we effort always can be made to keep things alive... but somehow i think that we'll jsut drift away eventually without being in same class, same cca i.e. regular meetings of any sort. in e end... i think it all boils down to how much memories friends share together... and 4 days definitely isn't much.
anyway was thinking about how me and my sis talk in the toilet... our toilets are adjacent and the ceiling above is kinda open space so we always talk when we are both in our respective toilets. and it is then we tell each other wat our day has been like... and yup generally get to know wats happening in each other's lives. such a small detail but immensely important in keeping a healthy relationship eh? lolz sorry if i'm naggy arh... but then thats wat a blog is too!! even tho we don't keep in contact much cos we have not much chance to talk to each other these days... the blog is like a platform we come back to so that we all know was happening in each other's lives. ok zz sorry if i sound so lecture-rive (OK WATEVA E WORD IS) e ideas just popped in my head when i was in the toilet as i shared my day with my sis.
sobz i swear i am not hinting anything to anyone ok!!! not u 3 or anyone else who read the blog... i'm not so twisted to beguile an ulterior motive in such smooth words ok... all this is really wat i feel!!!
MeL stepped on your garbage at
11:50 PM
Orientation (Mel's version)
orientation... bleh tell u guys who is in my group... u'll probably know them better than me. i just mention the ri guys lar huh... u'll probably won't know or be interested in the others anyway. of course not that they're not important... must be careful of what i say now zz new ppl adding me to msn and if they read lolz they'll probably judge me... us for that matter. bleh doesn't matter blog shi zhe yang de ma... don't care write all i want.
so the group consists of: gavan (dono if its spelt correctly defintiely pronounce correctly tho... if u use phonics to read it :) ), timothy wong, kane, gabriel, jordan, shao sheng, uhhh... paul yap, uhh... sobz can't remember so embarrassing. bleh so yup i have no idea who any of these ppl are... except paul we was my cecc head last year. but ok la they're all nice ppl... altho i generally din't open up. lolz can u'll remember when u'll first met me... bleh i don't open up easily around strangers. and these ppl are definitely strangers... so disgusting the first few icebreakers... the name games couldn't even remember the ri guys names yuck. i pretty much isolated myself until tonight's og dinner... a little bit better when i talked to more ppl during dinner. still not so in sync with them tho.
anyway took the ki placement test today... interesting test. no knowledge of any sort at all... just logic all the way. cool test i like these kind of tests. no need to study. mcq and essay... mcq was gruelling... so much info to coordinate and sort out to draw the conclusion for the answer. but yea it was fun... dono if i'll get in tho. if i don't too bad... will take h1 econs or something. maybe drop my h1 lit and take h2 econs. something like that.
just came home after going to a catechist (ppl who lead students to learn about catholicism) meeting. i'm a youth helper in the catechism class so yea must go for all these thingies... more commitment. but i tink yea... probably can help the students with my own experiences and stuff... who knows.
so disgusted with myself this morning when i realized i forgot to put my consent form in my bag and left in on my table in plain sight -.- got rather flustered and tot of calling aunty anula to bring it but decided against it... so inconvenient for her anyway. our og is pretty enthu... probably mostly due to our ogls... lolz very nice ppl our ogls. the guy... kevin... has a twin brother!!! lolz cool i'm always fascinated with twins. the girl... shiyun... is the ic for games. both are really nice ppl.
yup tmr's the outing... a bit apprehensive but it'll go well i guess. as usual it'll be uncomfortable probably for me... lolz ee sis is back gotta sleep!!!
MeL stepped on your garbage at
11:48 PM
Yo everyone! Just finished consuming 2 macdonald hotcakes (i threw the sausage away). The reason why i'm up exceptionally early today is because ... it's the last day of the holidays! Tomorrow, we'll be entering rj and meeting new people. Well, it's been a fruitful year indeed. Revelation probably best sums up the past year for me. I learnt more about myself, mostly, and discovered new strengths and tons and tons of weaknesses. Well no one's perfect, but duh i'm gonna try to change. Oh btw lack of determination and not fulfilling any new year resolutions is one of my weaknesses so i don't know how it's gonna happen.
BUT! I have grown in many ways and so have you guys. Blah blah blah not in the right mood to blog about more personal stuff but just wish you guys good luck this year. And remember to maintain this blog, whenever you're free! (and when you're not)
ben stepped on your garbage at
9:09 AM
waaaa wat a great way to start a year... my luck is set for this year man!!! i just won 20+ bucks in mahjong today. we played 20 cents... (my dad insists its 10 but basically its double of what we've been playing) and we played with joker!! and i happily won 20 + bucks so powerful!!! wahahaha!!! we only played until xi feng and it was too late to continue so we stopped... and at the end my dad happily forked out a 50 buck note and payed for everyone... and yup i got 50 bucks extra for e start of this year :)
so come come!!! mahjong lets play... wahahaha win all your money!! joker is so exciting... so much bigger the stakes cos everyone trying to make fancy cards instead of just going for an easy win!! so play with joker!!! ahahaha so exhilarated now sacrificed today's dota for mahjong but then so worth it... literally of course :)
MeL stepped on your garbage at
12:08 AM
happy new year!!!
hello all 3 of u never bother to wish happy new year... actually me also la didn't bother to msg or msn not even in my nick... just wish back to those who msg me or wish me on msn and yea stuff... new year i don't really make a big fuss out of it. besides, wat so happy... it means school's starting!! ugh.
anyway yup starting to clear up my stuff... went to popular yesterday and spent a whopping 42 bucks on stationary... lolz refill my pencil box... so happy it looks full now. not empty like when my sis kept pillaging it. anyway my pencil box is huge!! so if its full... uh can expect to have quite a lot of stuff. yup anyway must close this year... my 2005 diary ended already... save my secondary school work and other stuff to do at the beginning of a new year. new year resolutions? didn't set down any this year... not that i ever diligently kept to a new year resolution before anyway.
read through a few convos, some diary entries and basically all the personal stuff this year... so enlightening. how things have changed and progressed and well... we've all grown yea? in JC... time flies. maturity definitely... lolz physically... uh well we can only hope right?? eh i grew ok!!!
i know what poster i want on my wall!! i'm in a process of redecorating my room... something along those lines lar... my wall feels so empty. i shall find a ff7 ac poster and put it up!! feel like getting more swords... start a collection... since i have 1 le... but then so super ex all 100+ i think. mm going out for lunch byebye
MeL stepped on your garbage at
11:02 AM
Melvyn | Calvin | Benny | Ben Goh
rimb'05, rjcsb'07
flutes & saxes