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Hey.. Yes i know i cant remember when was the last time i blogged and neither can u. Life's just been so busy and hectic that i'm left with no energy to do the stuff that i really wanna do. NOTHING NOTHING DRAINED COMPLETELY. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Alright. I like lit. alot. And i hate econs and math. alot. And geog is. ok. and i have UGH Ok really sorry damn lazy to type in sentences just gonna use points.
Things to do
1) Look at those 2 freaking poems that i wanna look at .
2) Do my math assignment (impossible)
3)Study math ( impossible also)
4) Study physical geog (impossible wth)
5) Study Econs (KEEP ON DREAMING)
6) Read Great expectations (whee)
7) Read the papers (so depressing)
8) Watch the OC =)
9) Sleep =D
Zzz So what to do now? ok im damn tired now. The only things i can do are sleep/watch oc/read great expectations. Yawn wth. Aiya whatever larh im damn stressed EVERYTHING NEVER DO OMG SHITFACE.
I'll go shoot myself bye
ben stepped on your garbage at
6:22 PM
ee start blogging again!!
went gym today. literally having a conflict in my mind everytime i go... cos i'm reminded of the torture i go thru every time i exercise and feel so tempted to just sit at home and do nothing. but everytime i finish i feel so proud of myself cos it's such a big achievement (ok not really but for me it is) so yes i'll tell myself dat and see which side of my mind wins and that determines if i'll go gym!
so yes super tired now... and got physics and maths test tmr... topics seem ok enough but dono heard so much horror about the physics test that i don't feel like studying for it. ee but cannot cos i may end up knowing how to do all the qns and gasp win top in physics award!! -.- so delusional... lolz i never used to say this kind of thing sit next to wy in lt can do such wonders.
btw i haven't gave up on cip yet... just that the choices are really getting more limited and ee running out of places le... i'm trying to like tweak the options in the ematch thingie to get a few more places that may happen to fit but yea really difficult cos most will want like in the afternoons and stuff which we can't really manage. our earliest common time slot is on friday... and that's only after 4.
i just added my whole cat class on my msn... mm yup hope to bond with them to break down age barriers and stuff... just hoping :) ok gotta go finish up my studying of maths and physics... so shall end of with a poem. this poem is ms ng's favourite poem, which i was reminded of by the abstinence talk... think it's a really cool poem and yup here it is (ee spark of another burst of posts also)
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate;
I am the captain of my soul.
William Ernest Henley; 1849-1903
MeL stepped on your garbage at
8:14 PM
:) so happy do nothing again...
mm aiyo ok after sch went pasta with classmates... a few of them. like got 5 of us there only... but then quite fun la can talk and laugh with them mar... then everyone left except me and jasmine cos we gotta go back for band mar (shaun had colors so he wasn't there)... aiyo see la i was immediately thinking already if ANY of e band ppl see us sure make a big hoo ha out of it. but yes anyway so yup we walk back to sch... then she doesn't talk much... i'm generally quiet esp in this kind of situation so yes walk e whole way in uncomfortable silence.
then wait forever for the poster ppl to come back and went to e tutorial room to do poster with them... was so lethargic and no enthusiasm dono why also. must be pe la... mm dono zhong zhi super no energy. stone there until 5+ then went for ajisen with my sister...
lolz i was wondering wat would happen if e rest of e batch decided to drop in while i was having dinner with my sis. tink she'd get a shock to see wat boisterous ppl e batch are... but anyway so yup took bus home and walk back two bus stops (i usually take a bus ok... but since my sis was walking with me much more bearable).
reached home use e comp for super short while then went to sing karaoke with my sis downstairs... and now surfing around aimlessly... ok not very aimlessly but not very productive also. nvm shall use my 3 hours of free time... uh minus booth duty minus lunch is like 1 hour plus to do all my work. work in sch is so much more efficient than work at home... i mean like... at home gotta check everything yourself... in sch walking search engines are all around u!! just need to access e correct person. ask a qn get an answer. so efficient.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
10:44 PM
AHHH frustrated!!!!!
sigh ok e seemingly perfect choices always seem to have some cock up or something. found this home and hospice for cancer children who need catching up with their work... tink it'd be really great BUT they only wanted ppl to come in e morning. so yes then like argh ok nvm i printed some stuff out show u guys tmr...
anyway right... dom and terence might be leaving our class. waa if they leave... we'd be missing another 2 guys... and our class is already so small, and more girls than guys and aiyo the ratio will just tip man. plus we'd be bereft of our ct rep... aiya hope they don't leave la think e class is so... mm not really united but then e spirit is there already. bleh but then dowan to say anything to them also to persuade them cos subject combi will have such a big impact in future mar... so aiya see how things go ba.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
6:12 PM
preparing a bday gift...
ok lemme tell u guys my schedule for today. ended school at 11, and went library for a while, chit chat, did some work, and talk some nonsense until 2. ate lunch also la then went home after dat.
then... i plonked on my bed and started reading my da vinci code, intending to finish it by today... miraculously, i fell aslp... reading da vinci code!!! so amazing right zz dono how come i never used to be able to slp while reading... now more and more prone to sleeping e moment i'm on e bed.
so yup woke up around 5.30... went to e gym. yux ran until i wanna die like dat... but aiya must take action to ensure that my goal for napfa comes to pass ok. mm feel embarrassed everytime i go to e gym cos so inferior... so yes hope i nv meet anybody on e way. yucks. so yes super tired and drained now but then mm got stuff to blog abt.
at 8 (still havent' done any work yet cos i came home and ate dinner until abt 8), i went to one of e mushroomer's house (wenqi)... altho we were supposed to meet at 8, everyone just happily vanished... and i waited outside her house in the dark... counting cars pass by and staring back at the ppl who stare at me as they walk past (zz obviously i'm waiting for ppl right then wad some siao kang sit there and count cars arh...)
after they finally came we started on our present. we were make chocolate covered cornflakes!! melted the chocolate and mixed the corn flakes with the melted chocolate, and put the coloring. surprisingly (ok so horrible to say i'm surprised), it was nice!! aiya but then mm felt pretty bad that we didn't contact one of e guys (jz) so bleh left him out of e whole thing... sigh yes so guilty think it would have been a lot more fun with him there anyway.
so reach home at 11 with a box of the thingie each... got a plethora (cool word eh?? lolz got it off someone's blog... but it sounds so nice. 'plethora' mm ok anyway it means super-abundance) of the stuff cos we made so many... and ended up with 6 containers of it even tho we only needed 1 to give away.
sigh so yup haven't touch a piece of work... got e lit stuff and tutorials. not much lar actually all can finish in sch tmr de. oh yes and haven't call up the cancer home yet... ugh. ok ok tmr i better call if not forever dont need to do already... one quarter of e year is almost over... so fast right... my gosh how come e year's passing so fast. still remember in sec sch count forever for e weekend and holidays man. now everything's just flying past.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
10:56 PM
Getting pissed.
Hi i know like ppl are like setting goals and targets and all while i'm still trying to straighten out my messy life. I dont know if i should say this here, but i guess i'm gonna just say it anyway.
People, can you all please stop spreading rumours about me?
I know you all find it fun and all, but there is a limit to your fun. Stop trying to find pleasure out of my misery. Worse of all is that you all are like closer friends, so stop doing this kinda shit (not people from f4). Don't know why the concept of close, good friends does not exist between a guy and a gal, everytime u see me alone with someone, you think im interested in her or that she is my girlfriend.
I'm not some flirt, i'm just the type that like to have more friends kind of thing. So when you see me alone with someone, she is just a friend. Don't cook up stupid story about some triangle love or some other shit. It is not only detrimental to my reputation, it is detrimental to the other person's image at the same time. Yea, so i hope those who read this, get the point. I'm don't enjoy being shrouded in rumours, its not particulary funny or anything.
Today had some random guy come up to me (as in really random) and ask me whether im in a relationship with someone. Thats like kinda the last straw. Im quite sick of this shit, even though it may seem as if i'm making a mountain out of a molehill.. Just lead your own lifes and stay out of mine.. yea. thats all
bkz stepped on your garbage at
9:01 PM
hey... no one blogged for so long le. but then prob cos we meet up every morning anyway... talk to each other and all that... but yes still blog ok?? wateva we don't say in e mornings and stuff yea... (even tho meeting up is still so much better than blogging). but hmm like also must divide e time between og and morning leh... like mm can we uhh go for og until 7.20, then come down and meet?? or like meet them tues thurs, then we meet mon wed fri or smth like dat la...
anyway yes i just refreshed my memory on all my goals. some a bit private so won't put here... but then zz i realize i'm losing focus and ahh spiralling out of control. yes but then most impt is like e cip cos that's one of my most tangible aims this year and ahhh losing enthusiasm... so must lock my target on it and just commit to it soon. think workload starting to pile up a bit soon also so better get this down before i just let e year whoosh past.
bleh my thots are a bit in a jumble... feeling frustrated cos of loads of small things piling together but hey... dats life. so many things to do but dont' feel like doing anything... but cannot la somehow must do something... so yes while i'm in this mood lemme set down some commitments. i really hope my timetable doesn't change tho if not i'll be super irritated...
incidentally... lolz i have a bottle of powdered phenolpthalein sitting at my desk for a such a long time... stole it from e ntu lab last year. lolz!! just some random interesting thingie :)
ok lemme dota... and then do some work. inspector gadget is so silly anyway...
MeL stepped on your garbage at
6:59 PM
a reflection on life now...
mm ok life now's good... absolutely fine (i think). the class is totally great i think my class rox... e ppl are really nice... but then ok maybe just haven't get to know them yet... not being cynical but then i guess things will open up more when i get to know them better...
apart from class, there's family. in this area... hm can't say too much but i guess things are just great. everyone's still caring and yup... basically all thx to my bro for pulling 3 of us siblings so much closer together again...
band? band's just great too the ppl there are so fun to hang arnd with... really really outgoing and ppl who laugh so often and mm just brings smiles to everyone's faces yea?
workload... workload haven't really been piling up and it's really a lot less compared to sec school. tutorials are manageable and altho lectures are boring and somestimes things aren't easy to understand, i'm usually able to get things worked out and everything just falls in place rather neatly at e end of e day. along with cca and the incoming cip, i think i'll still have quite a bit of time to myself for my own purpose i.e. reading, reflecting, dotaing, blogging etc...
all in all... i'm really pleased with things right now... can't ask for much more. life's just going so well... smooth and easy... but somehow i think it'll change... not only when tests come, but when ppl open and characters are revealed... then again it's up to me to make out what i wanna make of ppl isn't it. so maybe life still can be smooth and easy. *lolz casually glances at ben goh's msn and see his status as (asleep)*
but..wats missing... i feel something's still missing in life. not that i'm not contented and grateful for so much i've been given... but i still find myself looking for more. cip, dancing, sea sports, aikido... are they all just a form of proving something to someone? myself? or maybe a way to live life fuller? or wad??!! aiyo why do i hunger??
aunty anula and i talked about wat i was gonna be when i grow up... just somehow ran into that topic. and i realize i have no inkling. not even whether i was going into the sciences or the arts. wat do i want my life to be about??? wat am i gonna make out of life?
lolz teenage angst? today i found out e meaning of angst. such a crude word to explain a process so methodological and important. ppl dismiss this phase of questioning as angst and merely say that it'll pass and things will return to normal... but e qns are still unanswered eh? they're just simply left aside and ignored... and we continue day to day life worrying about details and seeing the steps infront of us instead of e goal at e end. e qns are so impt... they lead us to a meaningful life.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
6:58 PM
movies this week
i watched constant gardener on sat night... the 11 pm show. lolz went to borders first with my bro so we were late to meet my sis... so we ran. from borders all e way to cine... zz have u ppl ever seen anyone running in orchard?? in slippers!! aiyo got stitches all e way there. and yes constant gardener was pretty boring. it got 4.5 stars tho so mm must be my taste or something... since when could beauty be judged anyway. not only was it boring, the camera was shaky, the storyline was slow moving and i was getting dizzy watching it and couldn't wait for it to end. all 3 of us were falling aslp in the show... even my bro... and that speaks a lot for e show man!! anyway it was super late la... the show finished around 1+ and we were all supper zonked out by e end of it.
today, i watched schindler's list with my bro at home... it's a super long show. two sided dvd... first time i watch a show which extends over 1 dvd. moreover, it's in black and white!! so yes real breakthru in movie watching this week... two shows which i found boring... i fell aslp for a short while in schindler's list too. mm dono not very moved by this kinda thing... as in not 'not touched' but cannot cry one la... unlike my dad who will be very touched with this kind of show... hotel rwanda and the likes.
fiddling around with friendster... mm richard's like super devoted to the RDs... wonder why. did we really make such a big impression on him?? hmm so interesting... to see how much impact u've made on a person... oh yes that reminds me. i wanna go redang!! snorkling or something somewhere wateva... june? lolz yao qu ma... eoy no chance cos its monsoon season... so yes take a break of your mugging for CTs and lets go overseas together. yes got a lot of things to consider... transport, travelling docs, lodging all dat shit but i'll take a leaf out of my sister's book... she organize before for her group of frensi tink.
anyway yes ben goh i'm waiting for your dota game to finish (if thats what you're doing)... can't sleep without your answer!!!!
MeL stepped on your garbage at
11:39 PM
princess diaries 2!!!
woo disney channel rox... just watched princess diaries 2. altho i watched it before la so not a very big thing but then it's still a nice show... mia (e princess... dono wat actress she is) is really pretty tho... but e guy's quite ugly. anyway e show is so utopic... everything all fun and laughter and no serious danger. ok actually i don't have a lot of things to say about this show just telling everyone that i just watched princess daries 2 again and it was rather nice.
lolz ok going to watch movie later... north country i think. with my bro and sis at 11 pm... late show... then my bro also borrowed schindler's list and one more dvd... both of which i wanna watch so yes lots of movies to watch this weekend!! lolz plus i watched fearless too on friday with my sec 4 class... so mm movies!! movies are really one of e best form of entertainment... they provide so much learning experience... compared to things like comp games. so yes i'll remind myself this everytime i watch a movie... lolz convince myself i'm not wasting time.
and tmr's another busy day i think... got cat class. missed last week's cos i had to see my dad off at e airport... still supposed to go to kovan to return my books and print photos. and lazy to do my tutorials of course hai yong shuo de meh??
mm ok lemme go change and prepare to go town... i don't even know wad north country is about...
MeL stepped on your garbage at
9:28 PM
AHHH yucks i lost 6 bucks
eeya lost 6 bucks today in mahjong... shit lor forever cannot get anything nice... then got one guy just anyhow today just learn then waaaa so lucky win everything. super sleepy... shall go and sleep
MeL stepped on your garbage at
11:22 PM
Belated post
Went gymming today... lol super exhausted.My birthday was spent at the cinemas with my cousins watching geisha.. not a bad show.. but pretty long.. 2 1/2 hrs. Before that we went pastamania.. and she treated me. Lol.. still owe her a birthday present.. so paiseh.. i went empty handed.. coz i was busy the previous few days (excuses)Then at night went to eat steamboat. My family quite against it, but they obliged. Frankly the steamboat sux.. didnt taste nice.. then after that went for ice cream.. not bad lah.. it was my mum's idea to go eat ice cream. haha.. yea. then went home to watch soccer.. Bet with my classmate and won lol! but then she bought me a birthday present.. so i treated her to a drink instead. lol thnx mel, cal and ben for the wallet.. i didnt know u all chipped in too, so pardon me for not thanking you guys earlier :D thnx ah lol really appreciate it :D its cool !
bkz stepped on your garbage at
8:53 PM
blind faith...
lolz ok u guys know i went for e catechist meeting...
one thing we talked about was like... no matter how much proof there is, or how much answers we give... e youths (like e ppl we teach... altho i'm not really teaching i'm just a youth helper there. more like to share and relate to e students then to actually teach them... that's done by e adults) are still gonna doubt and have even more qns. there's a whole field on proving catholicism... it's called 'apologetics' or something... loads of answers to loads of qns.
and then i think about my mum. her belief in e catholic ways are really so strong... and yet if you ask her things like why we honor Mary, she'll probably give an illogical answer and doesn't really know herself. but e conviction is so strong and she's so contented with her own beliefs and mm... see she has attained e peace and contentment that so many people search for... i mean not that she doesn't has a fair share of problems what when e day ends and problems pile up, her faith is so strong that she can just sit and trust in God... and just find solace so easily. definitely something to be envious about eh? simplicity's e keyword.
lolz btw not evangelizing anyone... i generally don't like doing that cos zz i have so little head knowledge about catholicism and cannot answer all e qns that ppl will have if i try to convert.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
10:59 PM
lol hey hey hey!!! SO NICE! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I was feeling so freaking sleepy and was about to faint on the comp then saw the kelly video. Jolted me awake just like that. haha and oh yea i've been wanting to say this so long.. the background rocks! Ah.. such a brilliant display of colors and duh the true american idol right in the centre of it all. It's just awesome! =D =D =D
Been a long time since i last blogged, right? Ya.. no mood. forever. There're just so many things happening at the same time that it's getting mighty difficult to keep track of it all. Wait for this unstable phase to pass first ba. Emotional days really.. sometimes happy until become crazy other days depressed until go mad. Haha.. well at least i'm really beginning to adore my class. Ok dont wanna jinx it further so let's leave it at that.
Yup.. been taking things easier.. Watching OC at home.. listening to radio forever.. reading the newspapers... ..... .... and completely ignoring the existence of my undone screwed up math tutorials. Nvm.. i'll wake up sooner or later. now let me enjoy life abit first.. seeing how sad i've been feeling recently. If do math now right i'll just foam and depart this world.
Nowww let me continue watching the oc and read the papers and read lime and savour all the gossip in it. Cya
ben stepped on your garbage at
6:34 PM
yoohoo happy birthday!!!!!! may god bless u on this 17th year and... (bla bla e cliche stuff u know... i already msg u anyway so yes skip e crap ok?) zz wait it's not crap la just um u know usual stuff...
so shopping... shopping for MY stuff only. that's a change... went with my sis to town to get my stuff. yup suntec has really cool stuff... bleh don't feel like describing anything. anyway yup i bought contact lenses!! took forever to put them on at first... rather scary and i keep blinking. but yup it's quite a strange thing i keep pushing my nose cos that's what i do when i have my glasses... push them up and fiddle with them. so yup just like trying them out or something... and then use them for special occasions. think i still prefer glasses.
yup and i bought my RJ uniform le... but the pants must alter so cannot wear yet. so lolz yes come to school after gelling hair, rj uniform and in contacts... shock everyone with my new look... no la talking nonsense. also bought the whole dan brown series and a new pair of jeans (mm i used to detest jeans... but now start to wear them hard to stop wearing).
so happy to announce: i did absolutely nothing this weekend... but i know you guys all did the same thing as me :) btw my freaking arms still hurt la... and pe was on thurs so thats like wad 2 days already... so lousy. zzzzz
MeL stepped on your garbage at
9:29 PM
circuit training... among other stuff
we had circuit training for pe today... which included dips and other stuff. special mention goes to dips cos like wad i've never exercised that set of muscles in these 4 years or something? dono la zhong zhi super sore from e dips... e others still ok but obviuosly still damn tiring. so yes had dance audition for movie medley and latin but i ponned it... had a bit of headache plus i was tired. jc life arh... cca doesn't matter, homework also don't matter... so tempted to "wanna do then do don't wanna do then don't do" kind of attititude... mm rely a lot on self-discipline i guess. but in a sense i also feel free-er and in more control... but ppl always say freedom and control are illusions and stuff dono la haven't gave it much thot yet.
so yes CIP... i hear more and more stories about everyone's experience with it. i called up one organization today... "beyond social services" there's e webiste if u guys wanna check it out. e children are like really young below 6 or pri school kids that sort... and yup give them tuition, reading, maths tuition that kinda thing. e catch? mm it's at tiong bahru... there's another one for youths... but that's like bedok... lolz suitable for benny.
e thing is... it's really difficult to find a common time slot. nearly everyday, 1 of us 4 are ending late... monday's e earliest... 4 pm for ben goh and cal. then there's also e problem of whether you'll will be comfortable with e group of ppl that kinda thing... i mean right now it's super personal and preferences are really important... after all its voluntary so yup u guys must make decisision. aiya remind me to talk to you guys about it tmr...
sometimes i really wonder wat other ppl do at home. not u 3... generally know wat u guys are doing lolz. but other ppl who like so seldom come online... some don't even do work... not super studious that kind... don't read a lot... don't play a lot of games. esp sports ppl... i mean like they can't play anything in e night right? so wat are they doing?? hmmm...
got some personality test for KI again all this kind of stoopid shit. this kind of thing arh is so hmm "self-fulfilling prophecy" kind of thingie. aiya not in e mood to think deep. lit!!! we did nothing... almost nothing la just everyone just go and read their favourite poems... mine happened to be e same as someone else's so i didn't read... i was actually looking forward to it tho. "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost". for those who read it it's nice yea?
MeL stepped on your garbage at
7:06 PM
Today was kinda crappy.. decided not to be so dao.. so went around laughing and "socialising"... i laughed my way thru thermal physics lecture lol.. coz my classmate kept talking about scenes from xiao hai bu ben too, which was uber funny...
Morning had 1 and 1/2 hr of free period coz teacher didnt come.. then was undecided between sleeping and doing the work which we were assigned... i tried to sleep... but then keep waking up to look around me.. and most ppl were doing work.. so i did abit.. but after a while.. i was convinced to sleep coz didn't feel like doing... however after a while more... decided to attempt a few questions again... and the cycle repeated until lesson ended.. so in the end... never sleep and did not get the work done -.-"
After school, I went for "class lunch" even though less than 1/3 of the class was there. As it turned out, hardly anyone ate... we just drank our tea.. and talk rubbish lol. Yiheng was there too... so his presence added more rubbish to the rubbish atmosphere.. rubbish = casual, crappy..
Oh yea.. and this morning.. found out that i didnt get into archery. This is both good and bad news.. coz now im stuck with band without having to make the decision.. Ok but i may leave band for another cca.. though its a little early to conclude anything.
Hows life? haiz. Feel zapped of all my energy... why? i dont really know.. maybe was too hyper in school today. :)
bkz stepped on your garbage at
10:17 PM
mm long time nv blog le...
not dat long lar actually like 3 4 days only but then i check e blog quite a few times a day so feels like its a long time.
reached home rather early... a bit later then expected cos i accompanies my class to pastamania for lunch. so torturous sit there see and smell the delicious pasta and got nothing to eat... cos aunty anula cooked already so must go back and eat. so yes was contemplating whether to call up the cip guys but then bleh just couldn't do it... dono also la zz so pathetic. must steel myself and call e next time.
anyway right my sis doesn't encourage me to join dance... she thinks it's gay and she definitely doesn't want me to quit band. prob cos like my flute will deterioriate and stuff and mm already spent so much on e flute that kinda thing. aiya dono la... dance isn't meeting my expectations anyway. but i'll just try out a few more times... seems so ke xi everyone thinks its such a big hoo ha to get into dance and lolz i'm thinking of quitting... sigh well life's like that.
anyway cny. finally my bank account is like restored to its former glory!!! wahahaha. lolz also 1 think that came out from this cny visiting... was a lot of rapport and a bit more bonding i think. lolz like i discovered that i have 2 cousins which i really liked... one 5 one 7 years old... age gap between our cousins have always been very big. and plus our old neighbour's old neighbour's wife is my sis very good friend in working place (lolz yes my sis is an aunty-killer... all e aunties she work with dote on her a lot. she's nice see? like me!! haha) and her husband was my SYO conductor!!! small world eh? anyway yes... so yup hope to get to know them better (as in the neighbours... not the neighbour's neighbour. are u guys confused already?)
ok yup friday after school... cal ends at 5. so u guys free after that? for a quick thingie... just wanna go j8 and get a photo. thats all. and then i got og bbq in the evening... zz that one arh cannot miss already so yes i shall put it down here so that u guys can remind me forever on the bbq.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
8:18 PM
Melvyn | Calvin | Benny | Ben Goh
rimb'05, rjcsb'07
flutes & saxes