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Lol i feel stupid. Yesterday i was so engrossed with my gc that i was playing with it on the bus. I was trying to beat a friend's tetris high score but in the end, i only managed to set my own personal best score. Whats worse was that, i missed the stop i was suppose to alight. Actually i wasnt sure whether i even missed it, so i waited for a few more stops till i was certain that i had missed my stop -.- Haha... so dumb. So i alighted, crossed the road and hailed a cab (coz it was quite late and lots of stuff to rush back at home.) Then for a moment, i had this feeling i was eventually going to miss the turn to my house because of some perplex reasons that are difficult to put into words. Surprise..Suprise.. i eventually did miss the turn to my house. okay, so i got stopped the cab driver, got out, and walked home. Lol blew 5bucks + on the ride home just so i could set some new high score.. damn stupid.
bkz stepped on your garbage at
10:10 PM
haiz 7 days of silence
silence broken le... do you'll still check e blog?? like e moment i get back, comp on, log in msn, go to e blogs.
kk lemme start with the mushroom dinner... went to surf n turf at suntec on thurs night to celebrate jiazheng's bday. just treated him to dinner... rather ex and the food wasn't really good but yea it was fun just meeting up again after quite a while. pity shanghui couldn't make it cos he had rehearsal so mm quite unfortunate. quite cool also cos there was 1 anderson, 2 VJ, 1 hwa chong and 2 rj so it was a group of ppl all in different uniforms and yea... just rather interesting. met glen, jared, denise and some other j2s who just finished their common test in city hall who were quite shocked to see us i think. but yea wat was really great was the time we spent after dinner... just sitting down near the fountain of wealth and chatting. catch up with all of them and just hmmm act like when we were back in pri school. :)
fri was the local u talk which was ugh so freaking boring. just sit there and stone and complain for the whole time. more like whining but aiya whining makes me seem so pathetic and even tho i actually was lets just be euphemistic ok? when to angus house to celebrate my bro's bday after dat... the food was fantastic there but it costed a bomb duh.
sat was quite uneventful cos i mostly dotaed it away... dota withdrawal mar so many days nv dota so sat paid back wat i owed my dota in full. no hw for e weekend anyway. none due on mon or tue at least. then sun i went to play 3 hours of pool with elson... i realized i actually might get to like pool. don't need the usual basic requirements of fitness... lolz it's a super slack game... and i realized club actually has it and u can play it on your own too!! so yea actually i think i might really get to like it. there's snooker tables there too and we saw these 2 young guys... either around our age or a few years older... playing with 2 old men around 50+ maybe? they looked so much more refined than ppl playing pool. hmm just e impression i got from watching them.
so yes remember i mentioned that pool is such a slack game? -.- i actually had muscle ache in my back... probably from bending down too much. i mean like wth who gets muscle ache from playing pool thats just seriously cannot make it -.- but it was 3 hours ok!! hmm... dono la.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
11:04 PM
so pissed with my bro
zz i was so freaking pissed off this morning... but anyway lemme talk abt e past few days first.
went out on fri with my pri schoolmate (p1-3) elson. we went to watch cry_wolf... it's about a game... like mafia actually but then this time there's money involved so yes it's super duper cool and everyone's lying and backstabbing and lolz feel like trying it out sounds so fun. of course later it turns to murder and all that but that's cos of this evil person. talking nonsense la...
went to try out pool with him after that... i just realized we have pool tables in our club... so bleh went to go try out. strange game... then after that we went for dinner and went to borrow ring and ring 2. he stayed overnight to watch but we ended up watching matrix instead of ring 2 cos we got freaked out after ring. slept around 3... altho i was drifting between sleep and wake and thinking of samara yucks first time a horror movie affected my sleep. maybe it's just cos i was sleeping on the pullout bed which is a lot more uncomfortable. :)
left early in the morning (uh around 8) to go for my cip with the catechists and the class. i think it was something like batchgive?? a little more productive (from what i heard) tho cos we went inside to clean the houses, and brought foodstuff and all that. there was this house that we went in... waa seriously like a junkyard. gosh his maggi chilli bottle had like black stuff inside... and the whole house is just a pile of collected items that he didn't want us to touch, move and definitely not throw. so yes all his containers and expired stuff we had to secretly just take it while he wasn't looking and throw away. lolz oh we were cleaning near his stove and moved his thermos flask when a small lizard crawled out. actually right a lizard's movement shouldn't be crawl cos they move so freaking fast... anyway we got a shock and panicked and knocked the thermos flask onto the floor... and it popped open and scalded my foot with hot water. think it wasn't very hot tho cos it's like ok already but the burn did last for a few hours. oh did i mention that the bottom of the flask had rotted off already and he used plastic bags to keep the water inside the flask... so yes that was the worst la... quite a few of them didn't even want us to go inside so yea we left them alone...
that evening (it's sat btw), me my bro elson and someone else (elson knows my bro cos they were both in maris stella) went to watch v for vendetta. really good movie that you'll should catch... yup ok.
now this morning, i was thinking of going for this youth group meeting (that my bro always encouraged me to), cos i didn't have cat class. in the end i decided not to... just din't feel like going and felt like watching matrix (and maybe there're other deeper or even more superficial reason which i didn't think thru). so yup my bro flaired up at me... and now that i think about it i still dont' know really why altho he said it had to do with something about me wanting something and not going for it and wad?? don't ask me. so yes that was how the argument started... and of course how an argument started is usually not what an argument is about... it just escalates to things we've been keeping inside and yup we just argued about stuff i can't even remember now. i've never been able to win my bro in an argument... he talks and thinks too fast and sometimes he says things that are hard to grasp and they sound so cheem and it takes a while to rebut and that period of time spent thinking means u've lost e argument. he always maintains that it's not about winning or losing in an argument but in situations like this, when everyone's heated and frustrated, does anything else matter apart from pride? can u even keep pride out of it? and my bro sounded so self-righteous and all that and i couldn't think of a way to say anything and so yes felt so lousy and ARGH-feeling. and after that, he did his usual thing of apologizing... but i decided to remain pissed with him instead of usually cooling down cos i wanted to make an impact and so we argued again!!! so lovely -.- and of course he said his usual "you always argue because you just don't want to be wrong. why can't you be wrong? arguing for the sake of arguing..." and his line of reasoning that is so hard to counter cos if i say something along those lines it'll seem so silly and aiya zhong zhi i can't win him in an argument. then after everything is blown up and we're eating in macs he says sorry. like wow ok things are supposed to be ok now that u've apologized and i can just dismiss my frustration. it's so easy for e winner to apologize and just happily put yourself down already... of course already win wad u know u've won.
aiya bitch forever if he reads this he also sure kp. lolz like that time i used his phone to send a msg abt him being stingy to benny... he came back to me shortly after and said "if you wanna bitch about ppl make sure they don't find out" and walked off again. but don't think he reads our blog much.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
1:08 PM
hello u lazy bums. blog.
actually arh... i think i know enough about wats been happening already. but just blog anyway so that everyone else will know what everyone's been doing. everyone refers to e 3 of u anyway.
anyway i just (not just but yea finally got arnd to blogging) realized i haven't blog about play!!! first time we performed for 2 days in a row... and wow really quite exhausting... it's not like the usual after one concert can celebrate. this time, still gotta prepare for the next day and gasp really tiring. lolz somehow i really like performances... u get a chance to make it or break it, to put in your best and present to everyone your best (at least it's supposed to be). a bit diff from other sports? ppl don't get to see u shine...
oh yes to continue about play, it was really good and the songs. mm ok everyone heard e songs. i really liked the songs... esp those in second half... pity i couldn't play for fantasies of flight think that song was super nice. pearl harbor is by hans zimmer!!! hans zimmer composed the soundtrack for faceoff, PRINCE OF EGYPT, uhhh and other really cool action movies. my bro loves his music and e both of us can recognize his style i think.
btw i use american spelling for most of my words i think... lolz its only cos american words use more 'z' instead of 's'... and i like writing the word 'z' so i use american spelling. wat better reason could there be to use one spelling in favor of another?
presents... new culture brought in by the rgs batch. every concert, we gotta exchange presents so yup. btw cal... our hugs expired... the card is only until valid till 10th march. lolz wat an interesting gift. then after e concert got photo taking and yea dats abt it. e concert definitely helped us to bond also... as a batch, and yea get to know more ppl and our seniors too.
oh i'm ct rep. after dom left i got nominated. bleh dreading e responsibility... it'd be so nice to let some really enthu ppl just organize stuff for e class and just join in the fun... but sigh now i've got a hand in forging e class spirit and all. haven't done anything abt it tho...
plans for e rest of e hol (sobz so little left of it):
lit port and othello journal (in addition to reading finish othello)
study chem
cip (oh my gosh this thing delay how long le)
watch matrix and mean girls
practice calligraphy (after dono how long i shall take out my dusty brush)
did i mention i'm broke. not really but just feeling depleted. loads of money in loans. ugh my family together owes me arnd 150 bucks... from diff ppl of course.
talking to denise (flute senior) on msn now... she's online at real weird hours. think she's nocturnal or smth... but no one else's talking and just finished dota so yea great to just talk.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
12:33 AM
eh blog leh... wanna know wat's been happening e past few days
in hk, things are getting pretty boring. just can't really stay in hk for that long a time. i'll upload pics when i get back i guess but right now... lolz i'm at this ice cream bar called 'best berry' which has really good yoghurt. my brother's sleeping on the table and my sis just went shopping by herself cos me and my bro were too bored and tired to accompany her. bleh it's like that when the whole day's just shopping. last few days were a little better i guess... talk more about it when i have more time ba.
anyway yup march hols... many things to do? dono also when i get back i'll see how i wanna spend it... hope to get back on e earliest flight home so dat can make it for the band batch thingie.
got ktv tonight anyway... looking forward to that cos the food's great and song selection is pretty good too. then after tonight tmr wake up and back on e plane... flying rox. ok since i started lemme just finish my whole trip... last sunday we had a hike... 3 hour plus hike... that was quite tiring but lolz i'm surprised i didn't have body ache or anything the next day. on monday, it was mostly shopping and stuff yea and today the same also la... two major events are only ktv and the hike lor the rest is just shopping and food. food's great as usual...
anyway u guys free on thurs or smth?? go out... stayover mahjong anything la. lets just go out... had so much time to let my imagination run free this trip to hk so a lot of ideas are coming to mind so many things i wanna do that they're all just bogging me down. were the 2 last sentences connected at all? no idea anyway my bro's awake so gtg. tata. AND BLOG!!
MeL stepped on your garbage at
5:23 PM
sick boy
i'm sick!! don't know why i need to prove it or even give justifications that i'm sick. i took so much medicine and precaution (which i probably wouldn't have if it were just any normal day) to recover as fully as possible in time for play. cos the next few days are gonna be so exhausting... and bleh it's just sad to perform for a concert feeling sick. anyway shall write down what i did today...
i played dota one game in e morning... then did a bit of work... organize my table and sort out my thots... i constantly need to sort out my stuff. like order everything in my mind... and after i've done that mentally, even tho i've done nothing i feel a lot better and stuff becomes more manageable i guess.
watched broken arrow with my bro in the afternoon... after which i did finish my chem assignment and doing my maths tutorial now. i envisioned today to be a day that i'd do all my work and catch up with everything but bleh it wasn't as productive as i envisioned it to be.
oh yea i got a msg from my ct rep... that two guys (dom...who's a ct rep btw and terence) were confirm transferring out of class. yucks abandoned. i was nominated to be ct rep along with another guy... bleh don't feel like being. on one hand, it'd be quite nice to organize outings and stuff cos the class is so cool but on the other hand got so much responsibility... so yes i think i'd rather not be.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
5:48 PM
so many nights...
to continue e song lyrics in the title... it'd be "... i'd sit by my window, waiting for someone, to sing me this song". mm nice oldie song. ok anyway right lolz not feeling anything particularly just got quite a lot of events happening simultaneously... so lemme try to remember as many of em as possible.
k our og outing... after band prac today i rushed off for my og outing. band attendance was horrible anyway... so many ppl didn't come tho most probably had reasons... bleh just hope play turns out well... i love this kind of concert to play songs that the audience likes so yup hope this concert will be good. at our og, i was hmm more comfortable?? yea i think so... cos there were ppl i knew... one of the crashers was a sec 4 classmate and yup stuck more to jc classmates too so more of myself instead of being so reclusive. dunked our ogl and few others into a pool... didn't get involved in it altho it was fun just watching... haha.
my dad came back tonight also. for my sis 21st bday... plus they're going to penang to pay respects to grandparents... so bleh no transport for the next week of school. and when i reached home, my table was in a mess!! my bro came in earlier to use the comp and there were like cuttings of paper all over the table and scissors lying about and the printer was on and my stack of printing paper was creased and AHHHHH got so irritated immediately when i saw the stuff. so i sent him a msg indicating i was pissed and bleh i calmed down soon after dat.
see the tide of workload is starting to crash in and my sight of my cip is slowly yucks blurring away. yes i gave up on group cip but i still wanna do my own... but as time passes it's getting more difficult to start (ee so sorry if this topic irks you guys but then yes it's impt to me so i'm constantly seeking to remind myself about this
it's 12!! HAPPY BDAY CAL!!! god bless u always with peace and happiness and yea all the good wishes ok. good night sweet dreams :)
MeL stepped on your garbage at
11:52 PM
Melvyn | Calvin | Benny | Ben Goh
rimb'05, rjcsb'07
flutes & saxes