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next week...
ooo busy week ahead.
monday: f4 meeting dono wat time it'll end
tues: physics test
wed: maths test
friday: gpp due and ki debate
sunday: cat class coming over and co concert
big events to be watch out for: f4 meeting, ki debate and cat class coming over. co concert also la.
lolz ok i just ommited the 2 tests as stuff to watch out for. anyway yes activity-filled week ahead. dono how my gpp is gonna be done sheesh haven't even decided on any pi yet. i'm resource manager of my group :) my first job is to get a minutes book for our secretary. to solidify our delusions, we named our pw yahoogroups board_of_directors. lolz so powerful right.
ki debate!!! AHHHH i'm seriously rather nervous about it. first time in my life i'm speaking in a debate. howww wat if i screw up. i'm last speaker so potentially i think i can make e most impact since i'm last speaker and all but howww can't even think fast on the spot and sobz later deliver some weak sounding conclusion and sigh it'll be damn sad.
cat class coming over... hmm rather strange having the whole group over. gonna be like close to 10 ppl over i think. gonna watch i not stupid 2 as part of the class itself. lolz so interesting wonder wat will be everyone's reactions and reflections.
my wish list is growing longerrrrr. materialistic me. oh and anyway... i must watch my spending. i'm just happily drawing on my savings and they're being depleted. think even my mum is getting wary of how i spend, asking questions everytime i take money from her and all that. bleh think i better spend less from now on. hard to strike a balance between being not minding spending money when the time comes (like presents, lunch even? hmm) and spending appropriately (thot how i spent 20 bucks on a bouquet each was rather ridiculous that time... stoopid mistake).
and to the apprehension of the moment: lunch. woe betide us my sis is cooking lunch!! is that miraculous or just miraculous. lolz. but then dono how her food will turn out. oh she's cooking shepherd's pie. shall tell u guys later how her cooking was. quote from her: "i HATE cooking" -she said this as she was cutting the mushrooms for the pie :)
MeL stepped on your garbage at
12:48 PM
recent updates...
eeya i shall just be resigned to my soliloquy. ok abt ytd and today...
went to the ship last night with my bro and sis for dinner... had this marvelous steak thingie with a layer of cheese on top. it was really quite nice (think it's like my first or second time ordering steak in restaurants) and i was enjoying my meal... until i exchanged food with my sis cos she liked my steak too.
came home and watched just like heaven. rather nice romantic comedy. not super super nice but just ok-nice la. my bro wanted to watch friends with me but then i fell asleep in like e second episode. my bro really loves it borrows the dvd to watch.
today had to wake up real early like 6.30 to go church and man the canteen... sell food and stuff. then after church my cat class ppl... abt 4 of them went for breakfast at e roti prata shop, then came back to watch shutter. kinda weird having these ppl come over cos i'm not too close to them yet but also quite happy to bond with them... must become more comfortable with them cos in cat class it's all about being willing to open up to each other.
ok after this right... gonna watch eight below with my siblings... so yes this whole weekend is super unproductive in terms of work. but aiya work is such a small component on weekends. work is piled up to be finished on monday and thurs. e other days for other fun stuff. :) dota.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
1:51 PM
a world of fantasy
ok first things first: all of you'll obviously happily ignored my desperate plea to u guys to blog again. yucks. ok la not all. ben goh!!! and wheeeeee ben's back in band!!! that so rox la oh happy days.
kk and now there's guests staying over in our house... and unceremoniously (is this correct use of e word... dono sounds right to me) barged into my room. ok la not barged but i was reduced to sleeping in my bro's room, leaving me bereft of my comp, Cooldude (oh i decided to name him just as i typed that sentence. and obviously it's a him. it's too cool to be a 'her') but aiya must be hospitable and all that so ok lor no comments even tho my table's in kinda mess and kept coming back into my room to use use the comp and all that. and then tmr. i must pack all my stuff for school tmr, which includes my uniform and my bag (i usually prepare this during the morning itself) and bring them all out of my room cos if not i'll disturb them tmr morning. bleh... so troublesome. but hmm ok actually shudn't be bitching at all cos these ppl made our stay in hk a lot more interesting than it would have been without them.
and back to the main topic of the blog, fantasy. i just read terry brook's Magic Kingdom for Sale: Sold. and i'm super excited cos it's a series of books!! that means that it'll be like a 2 or 3 more books of reclusive retreatment into a comfort zone of imagination and dreams. yup thats exactly how it is when i read fantasy novels. i get super comfortable and retreat into my own world of the story. the temptation of a half-read fantasy novel (esp if its a continuation) lying on the shelf is stronger than that of dota. yes i actually was reading the belgariad series again during CTs in sec 3 -.- so i know perfectly how tempting it is. so yea everytime i think of the new books i get this warm feeling that whenever i want i can just retreat back into my comfort zone so easily... just pick up the book and read. fantasy novels aren't the kind that the nice-ness of it lingers for a long time and inspires readers unlike books like literature texts and stuff. but what they do (at least for me) is create and exhilaration and enchantment that is unmatched by any other activity. it's why i maintain that the belgariad series is one of e best series i have read even tho many ppl find it shallow.
long weekend that church activities has devoured... haven't done anything yet but the most pressing issue is to study for phy spa. e rest i shall leave to my short day tmr to finish e remnants (can majority count as remnants?) of my work: lit essay, PI, ma. quiz, tutorials, aiya. tata.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
9:01 PM
btw happy easter everyone. lolz i know u guys don't really celebrate easter, and its not even sunday yet but since i just finished mass i shall wish everybody who reads happy easter!!
easter mass was 3 hours long... sheesh. and yea played for e choir... and since i'm e only musician besides the pianist/organist, had to play as if it's a solo. so yup thats solo for every song in the 3 hours. and the end result of that was an aching left arm for holding my flute for so long (lolz i know its damn sad case that i get an aching arm from holding a flute) and mega exhausted cos of the constant low pressure. a bit brain dead also cos not enough oxygen. bleh. at least got complimented la on my playing so not all that bad :)
and e weekend's coming to an end... long and tiring weekend and super busy. shall go sleep such a tiring day.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
12:02 AM
ahh i am troubled.
just came back from my interview. and waa damn scary la... interviewed by mr mag, ms tan siok mui and mr desmond tan... big shots so yea definitely intimidating when i stepped into the room.
ok i am so super duper sucky at interviews. they'll always ask me qns like what do i think i deserve this and that... and i'll be super stumped and dono how to reply at all. still remember my embarrassing silence when i was interviewed for band post ugh i suck at being interviewed. AHH troubled. aiya but seriuosly lor they ask me why i think i deserve the award (qns along that line) and obviuosly i don't know anything right duh thats why i'm surprised to be even nominated. but i got a feeling that the award is very prestigious... some headmaster's honors list (putting headmaster in front of it is already so staining... if HM was mr wong or smth ok la but now its bob koh. ugh. lolz ee won't be sued for this right.)
ms tan asked me wat was my greatest strength... i just put compassion and crapped some stuff aiya dono la. think its quite obvious i was bullshitting my way thru. then when mr mag asked me for an adjective for myself, i said i was reflective. guess this fits the bill more than anything else. "It suddenly dawned on me, that I became aware of my strengths- that, in itself, was strength. " lolz quote from my bro's scholarship application... he had to write a description abt himself.
so when the interview ended... ms tan said smth at the end like just take this interview as a learning experience and ok shit lolz i definitely know i didn't do well for my interview. so aiya a bit chagrined but then as david said, since i didn't even expect to get the award shudn't be sad that i'm not getting it. just take it as a compliment that i was nominated :) think my form teacher nominated me one saw her before the interview and she said to me "really hope you'll get it" my FT rox right? haha!! its her birthday this thurs... trying to plan something with ack
MeL stepped on your garbage at
5:47 PM
Caught j-walking at traffic light
lol this is one of the dumbest things that happened this week, in fact i think it is the dumbest thing. lol.. I got caught j-walking at j8! lol it was raining really heavily when i left school with my classmate to lunch at j8. We took a bus there, and alighted at the interchange. Then we came to this stretch of road which is not more than 4 metres? in width.. with traffic lights. The light just turned red (as in really just turned red) and the natural reaction for the both of us was to quickly cross the road. lol but on the other side of the 4 metre road was a policeman who was waiting in silence to prowl on unsuspecting victims, and ta-da, we became his prey. He took down our particulars (from nirc) and told us that a fine of 20 bucks will be imposed, and mailed to out houses. yea.. lol so the gist of it. Even though i feel that the fine was a bit unjustified, considering it was raining really heavily and the rain was pouring in, so the natural thing to do was to want to quickly get inside j8 esp since the light just turned red a split second ago and people were still crossing... but oh well..its a fine city
bkz stepped on your garbage at
11:44 PM
cat meeting: adults argue
WAAAAA just came back from a super tense catechism meeting.
basically a group of adults (ok the catechists) were arguing over a matter, that was blown out of proportion cos of an oversensitive parent. srry if got not much details cos uhh don't wanna talk too much abt the private stuff but then must understand the context to see the reason behind their argument.
so... they started arguing. so interesting to see them argue, cos everyone is trying to keep calm and cool and poised so they all stop to listen when someone talks so everyone gets to talk until they finish and it is super long-winded and inefficient. not only that, but soemtimes they didn't even address each other's points and become more and more exasperated with each other until i think one of them almost lost their cool. can't imagine if all these mature adults suddenly break out into tempers and waaa start throwing tantrums. sheesh.
but anyway in the end i think my teacher made e most sense and his analysis was the most in-depth and consider all the factors and stuff and yea :) my teacher rox. he's not actually my teacher now but he taught me and he's one of e reasons why i decided to join in as a youth helper.
mm... so i'm thinking about my flowers problem. HELPPP
MeL stepped on your garbage at
11:18 PM
wat's e worst day of e week that makes us all depressed.
M O N D A Y, S U C K S. uhh lolz so random.
aiya anyway ok today got lessons, then spent some time in e library doing my stoopid chem shit which i redid again and again cos i screwed up e equation and didn't even realize it -.-
arnd 2 i left to meet my bro in orchard, and we walked around a bit and went to play pool for an hour. talked quite a bit... stuff that he says in his blog he'll talk about it... except it's a lot easier to understand when talking instead. he got a new post in his blog btw... another cheem thing that u all shud take e time to go and understand (-.- i'm being so hypocritical). and then after that i went to church in e evening with him... so long since i've been to church on a weekday but then since i'm already out might as well go la so convenient anyway.
came back wanted to karaoke with my sis but she had a headache... plus my bro wanted to watch movie. was rather looking forward to the karaoke actually been rather long since we fiddled with e hong kong system thingie. talking about headaches, i just remembered that i had a splitting headache during dota yesterday!! and i vommitted out my entired dinner. yes -.- u could see the different food that i ate. i ate watermelon last, so that came out first as some red nonsense, and then the spaghetti that i ate for noodles... came out as single strands didn't even digest finish. yux hope you'll are not eating or wat when u'll read this.
yup so uh end of e day? watch Hero with my bro... some jet li show that is really quite abstract but e fighting scenes were rather nice. apparently the fighting scenes were choreographed by the person who choreographed kill bill scenes. isit? dono la ask my bro he's the expert. my this whole week is super super packed... tmr got cip till 9, then wed got church meeting prob till arnd 11, thur got cadenza until 10+, and fri... lolz uh fri still trying to come up with something.
good night sweet dreams in advance everyone!!
MeL stepped on your garbage at
10:20 PM
1st time aunty anula rides bicycle!!!
after such a late night, i decided not to wake up to go to church in e morning. i'll go for e evening one since i'd probably sleep in church if i went for e morning one anyway. so... when my bro came back from mass, we went to east coast park for cycling.
aunty anula came along and we persuaded her to try cycling even though she never really tried it before. she took a tandem bike together with me at e front and yay we cycled rather effectively for one and a half hours. think she really enjoyed e experience... its rare that aunty anula really enjoys something that we do together.
aiya actually hor i'm not in e mood to blog much. so i'll just leave this short post as it is ok? ok.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
2:27 PM
Melvyn | Calvin | Benny | Ben Goh
rimb'05, rjcsb'07
flutes & saxes