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treasure life...
sigh yes yes... such an un-realized quality: enjoying and treasuring the time we have. it's a pity that so few of us truly realize how short our time is. 5 months have passed... does it seem fast to u'll? it seemed to flash past me. i feel as if i'm struggling to hold the reins on time and fill my time up with meaningful things to do so that at the end of this year, i know that i've accomplished some things.
and no mistake we only have this year... next year is a levels don't think i really wanna clog up next year with anything much. after a's will be army... which is just plonk a total interruption of 3 years. it's as if life is put on hold for 3 years... except after 3 years we'll just be rusty in everything we do. all the skills we learn and treasure bleh wonder wat will happen to them after army. flute, dota, essay, thinking seriously wonder whether they'll just all erode away. ugh.
feel it's quite amazing how i'm scrambling to make the most out of it... to treasure whatever youth i have left... while others are all grown up already. the people who are so focused on their work and concerned about the problems of society and other important nonsense. despite the respect i have for these vessels of maturity, i pity them for not feeling what people like us feel: the exuberance of youth. think it's a major part of the reason why i gave up so much leadership opportunities... cos they'll just drain the fun. and fun just gets more elusive as we get older doesn't it... in jc already there's just so little time to bond. feel that my classmates are just a little more than acquantances... thank god for the friends i had before jc then.
sometimes we have to reflect... 17 years of our life. just exactly what have we done?
MeL stepped on your garbage at
11:23 PM
Haha cal.. 你的确成熟了许多! Yep.. Jc life's pretty diff huh.. I'm living it the best that i can! Staying awake in lessons, doing my work, trying not to pon cca cough and at the same time, enjoying my youth and trying to fulfill as many dreams as possible.
Regardless of how the norm of rj is to mug like some shiethead, and to emerge victorious in the rat race, never lose your individuality. Stay true to yourself and enjoy life to the fullest. Sure, we still do need to work hard and keep up with our work and all, but we must never lose sight of our dreams. And friends too.
Miss tearing up stuffed toys and wrecking havoc in the band room with ya lol. There're many memories that I'll cherish for the rest of my life (till I get senile and =((( die!die!die!). You guys rock ya.
And stay cool! We rOxOrrRr!!!!~!~!~!
ben stepped on your garbage at
11:23 PM
EEEEEEEEEEEEEE do u'll know abt the colin and kero thing. it's damn super super gross got goosebumps popping up all over while reading it. wa lao they are so sick la... e neoprints are just ugh. ok but anyway their blog seems like they're so intense and possesive that i wonder how long it will really last...
teenage angstttttttttttttttttttt. so easy to classify everything. guess it's an apt word to use even tho it's so vague and mo hu and so hard to tell anything just from a word. hmm i remember blogging abt this some time ago. aiya not really in a mood to think got into one of my sneezing fits which just drain, suck, sap all my energy and leave me in a state of lethargy. yucks.
MeL stepped on your garbage at
8:07 PM
Melvyn | Calvin | Benny | Ben Goh
rimb'05, rjcsb'07
flutes & saxes