Rubbish Bin
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from cambridge :)
heyyyy!! :) just posting to smile at everyone. lolz think i told u guys but i'll say it again anyway... not blogging cos i'm keeping my own personal daily diary of accounts everyday. someone email me abt scholarship day!! wanna know what it was about and all... wee the two weeks are passing and i'm coming home soon! missing everyone even tho this is such a great experience... how are each of u'll celebrating national day?? the hols... email me!! my email conversations are dwindling... even tho they do sap a lot of time but no matter! friendship prevails! lolz sorry getting caught up by the language in v for vendetta "england previals"
MeL stepped on your garbage at
5:24 AM
Melvyn | Calvin | Benny | Ben Goh
rimb'05, rjcsb'07
flutes & saxes