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Hey! It's been a while, hasn't it? Trying hard not to sound too emo- here, but I just have to say that I kinda miss you guys. It isn't a mere name, or the superfluous prestige of being part of a fraternity of sorts that has bonded us together and kept our friendship going. Sometimes I did feel that we weren't exactly that close right from the beginning (it probably is true), and that it was too early for us to come together and establish a joint blog - how are we expected to communicate at all, when it's a pub blog? This place grew silent after a while, but I thought that it was only natural. There's not much point grumbling and troubling over this decline right. especially since we're no longer part of rimb. I personally have completely lost my loyalty for band. The only reason why I'm still turning up is cos the band is in lack of saxes, and cos of oura. We have our own lives to lead now. And moving on isn't a bad thing at all. It gets increasingly difficult to ask one another about what's going on in his life right now. And life's just been so busy for me that, I'm finding it so draining just opening my mouth. And as I'm not much at all good with such conversations, I usually just keep them shut. This is degenning. Lol. Whatever lar! See ya guys around.
ben stepped on your garbage at
12:33 PM
oh my gawd we're back again.
lolz... on request of ben goh, i reinvited him and benny. and yep admit i made a stupid mistake in closing the blog down. so just check from time to time for updates hereeee. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
MeL stepped on your garbage at
12:20 PM
Melvyn | Calvin | Benny | Ben Goh
rimb'05, rjcsb'07
flutes & saxes