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lolz the blog is so neglected but anyway. yes. HAPPY 18TH BENNY!! sweet 18 :) ok that sounds so weird. i am seventeen going on eighteen. lalalalalala I RAN 8KM YESTERDAY YES OMG CAN U BELIEVE IT! i feel like i'm sec 3 again. but yes benny our dearest wishes to ya... for always being the 'nice guy' among the 4 of us. the gentleman, ever willing to help, never bitching (sobz unlike we 3... ok la cannot defame ourselves), and just so... pure :) God bless ya always with peace and happiness... u deserve it!
our f4 stayover is longgg overdue lolz i shall organize one soon... i hope. something like that la. remind me from time to time.
p.s. sobz srry this year i'm exhausted of ideas for gifts... oh benny ben suggested buying the ichigo sword for u as a batch present... the life size bankai full-black wooden sword. and i firmly supported the idea!!! but it was extinguished by jy's torrent of objections :(
MeL stepped on your garbage at
6:36 PM
Melvyn | Calvin | Benny | Ben Goh
rimb'05, rjcsb'07
flutes & saxes